Lost my BINDS

(falloutdc) #1

Hello, I lost my custom binds after installing the " Windows 10 and ETQW" patch.

I’m looking for binds like (bind r to _stroyup when strogg and bind r to reload when gdf) also binds for chat commands for both teams like I’ll repair your vehicle for example on shift+F1 for both teams.

I tried to lookup some custom configuration files , but none had the commands I’m looking for.

Thank you very much

(DarkangelUK) #2

Here’s my very old config that I somehow still have, you can maybe gleen some things from that

DarkangelUK.cfg (3.8 KB)

(falloutdc) #3

Thank you for your reply, sadly I could not find the cvars in your custom configuration file i’m looking for.

I had the R key bound to 3 different functions. If gdf reload if strogg _stroyup if in vehicle change camera
also i had a bind if vehicle middle_mouse_button starts a flare but only if I’m in a vehicle.

(DarkangelUK) #4

I think my newer config is on dropbox but i cant access it from work unfortunately

(Runeforce) #5

I found this in an old config, perhaps it is something in the vein of what you are looking for…

bind “1” “clientTeam GDF; clientClass Soldier 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a’^8’[Soldier]’^9’with an '^8’Assault Rifle” “F5” “default”
bind “2” “clientTeam GDF; clientClass Medic 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a’^8’[Medic]’^9’with an '^8’Assault Rifle” “F5” “default”
bind “3” “clientTeam GDF; clientClass Engineer 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as an’^8’[Engineer]’^9’with an '^8’Assault Rifle” “F5” “default”
bind “4” “clientTeam GDF; clientClass FieldOps 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a ‘^8’[Field Ops]’^9’with an '^8’Assault Rifle” “F5” “default”
bind “5” “clientTeam GDF; clientClass CovertOps 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a’^8’[Covert Ops]’^9’with a '^8’Scoped Assault Rifle” “F5” “default”
bind “1” “clientTeam Strogg; clientClass Aggressor 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as an’^8’[Aggressor]’^9’with a '^8’Lacerator” “F6” “default”
bind “2” “clientTeam Strogg; clientClass Technician 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a’^8’[Technician]’^9’with a '^8’Lacerator” “F6” “default”
bind “3” “clientTeam Strogg; clientClass Constructor 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as a’^8’[Constructor]’^9’with a '^8’Lacerator” “F6” “default”
bind “4” “clientTeam Strogg; clientClass Oppressor 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as an’^8’ [Oppressor]’^9’with a '^8’Lacerator” “F6” “default”
bind “5” “clientTeam Strogg; clientClass Infiltrator 0;kill;sayTeam ‘^9’Respawning as an’^8’[Infiltrator]’^9’with an’^8’Accurized Lacerator” “F6” “defaut”

(falloutdc) #6

Thanks I could find most commands i was looking for.

Maybe it is useful for someone else http://fallout.bplaced.net/games/etqw/configs/fallout12.cfg

(Randolf) #7

If you hardware allows for it, you should unlock fps to higher number than 60, game feels better with 100+ fps.

Here are 3 files with diffrent binds I use, maybe you will find something usefull

binds.cfg (6.5 KB)
class_selection.cfg (4.1 KB)
controls_vehicle.cfg (2.2 KB)

(you_is_me) #8

Here are my binds, maybe something useful for you.
It’s a mess (well less than my cfg) and I am just missing some bindings for Field Ops/ Opressor spawn (since I barely play this class I don’t got one)
// binds

// Klassen def.
set g_bind_context_anansi “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_badger “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_bumblebee “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_goliath “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_hog “vehicleStrogg”
set g_bind_context_hornet “vehicleStrogg”
set g_bind_context_husky “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_icarus “vehicleStrogg”
set g_bind_context_mcp “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_platypus “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_titan “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_trojan “vehicleGDF”
set g_bind_context_desecrator “desi”
set g_class_context_aggressor “aggressor”
set g_class_context_technician “technician”
set g_class_context_constructor “constructor”
set g_class_context_oppressor “oppressor”
set g_class_context_infiltrator “infiltrator”
set g_class_context_soldier “soldier”
set g_class_context_medic “medic”
set g_class_context_engineer “engineer”
set g_class_context_fieldops “fieldops”
set g_class_context_covertops “covertops”

bind “F4” “exit” “ALT” “default”

bind “e” “_forward” “” “default”
bind “d” “_back” “” “default”
bind “s” “_moveleft” “” “default”
bind “f” “_moveright” “” “default”
// bind “a” “toggle g_fov 85 105” “” “default”
bind “b” “_prone” “” “default”
bind “c” “_prone” “” “default”
bind “SPACE” “_moveup” “” “default”
bind “v” “_movedown” “” “default”
bind “SHIFT” “_sprint” “” “default”
bind “2” “_weapon0” “” “default”
bind “3” “_weapon1” “” “default”
bind “4” “_weapon2” “” “default”
bind “5” “_weapon3” “” “default”
bind “6” “_weapon4” “” “default”
bind “6” “useweapon weapon_tool2” “” “engineer”
bind “6” “useweapon weapon_tool2” “” “constructor”
bind “6” “useweapon weapon_tool2” “” “infiltrator”
bind “6” “useweapon weapon_tool2” “” “covertops”
bind “7” “_weapon5” “” “default”
bind “8” “useWeapon weapon_binocs” “” “default”
bind “g” “_usevehicle” “” “default”
bind “mwheeldown” “_usevehicle” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mwheeldown” “_usevehicle” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “HOME” “_vehicleCamera” “” “default”
bind “j” “_modeswitch” “” “default”
bind “p” “_showWayPoints” “” “default”
bind “y” “clientMessageMode 1” “” “default”
bind “i” “clientMessageMode 2” “” “default”
bind “1” “_context” “” “default”
bind “n” “_taskmenu” “” “default”
bind “m” “_commandmap” “” “default”
bind “l” “_limbomenu” “” “default”
bind “`” “_votemenu” “” “default” // ist ö

// bind “#” “_fireteamVoice” “” “default”
// bind “BACKSPACE” “toggleNetDemo” “” “default”

bind “SEMICOLON” “toggle g_drawPlayerIcons 0 1” “” “default”
bind “APOSTROPHE” “toggle g_showPlayerClassIcon 0 2” “” “default”
bind “del” “_showScores” “” “default”
bind “ESCAPE” “_menuCancel” “” “menu”

// w und r
bind “w” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “w” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “r” “_activate” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “r” “_activate” “” “vehicleStrogg”

bind “w” “_leanleft” “” “default”
bind “r” “_leanright” “” “default”

bind “w” “_leanleft” “” “desi”
bind “r” “_leanright” “” “desi”

// mouse
bind “mouse1” “_attack” “” “default”

bind “mouse2” “_altattack” “” “default”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “desi”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “vehicleStrogg”

bind “mouse3” “_vehiclecamera” “” “desi”
bind “mouse3” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse3” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “mouse3” “_weapon4” “” “default”

bind “mouse6” “_activate” “” “desi”
bind “mouse6” “_activate” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse6” “_activate” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “mouse6” “useweapon weapon_item1” “” “medic”
bind “mouse6” “useweapon weapon_tool1” “” “infiltrator”
bind “mouse6” “useweapon weapon_tool1” “” “covertops”
bind “mouse6” “useweapon weapon_tool1” “” “engineer”
bind “mouse6” “useweapon weapon_tool1” “” “constructor”
bind “mouse6” “_weapon4” “” “default”
bind “mouse6” “_weapon5” “” “technician”
bind “mouse6” “_weapon5” “” “soldier”
bind “mouse6” “_weapon5” “” “aggressor”

bind “mouse7” “_vehiclecamera” “” “desi”
bind “mouse7” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse7” “_vehiclecamera” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “mouse7” “_weapon1” “” “default”

// gui_crosshairColor “0.80 0.60 0.20 1.00” <- nicht rot
// gui_crosshairColor “1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00” <- rot
// bind “mouse7” “toggle sensitivity 1070 720;toggle gui_crosshairColor ‘0.80 0.60 0.20 1.00’ ‘1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00’” “” “medic”
// bind “mouse7” “toggle sensitivity 1070 720;toggle gui_crosshairColor ‘0.80 0.60 0.20 1.00’ ‘1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00’” “” “technician”
bind “mouse7” “_weapon4” “” “medic”
bind “mouse7” “_weapon4” “” “technician”

bind “mwheelup” “_weapprev” “” “default”
bind “mwheelup” “_vehiclecamera” “” “desi”
bind “mwheelup” “_weapon4” “” “medic”
bind “mwheelup” “_weapon4” “” “technician”

bind “mwheeldown” “_activate” “” “desi”
bind “mwheeldown” “_weapnext” “” “default”
bind “mwheeldown” “useweapon weapon_item2” “” “medic”
bind “mwheeldown” “_weapon4” “” “aggressor”
bind “mwheeldown” “_weapon4” “” “soldier”
bind “mwheeldown” “useweapon weapon_item1” “” “infiltrator”

// F1 bis F12
bind “F1” “vote y” “” “default”
bind “F2” “vote n” “” “default”
bind “F3” “_ready” “” “default”
bind “F4” “kill”
bind “F5” “setSpawnPoint default” “” “default”
bind “F6” “setSpawnPoint next” “” “default”
bind “F7” “setSpawnPoint prev” “” “default”
bind “F8” “setSpawnPoint base” “” “default”

// reload T Taste
bind “t” “_stroydown” “” “aggressor”
bind “t” “_stroydown” “” “technician”
bind “t” “_stroydown” “” “constructor”
bind “t” “_stroydown” “” “oppressor”
bind “t” “_stroydown” “” “infiltrator”
bind “t” “_reload” “” “soldier”
bind “t” “_reload” “” “medic”
bind “t” “_reload” “” “engineer”
bind “t” “_reload” “” “fieldops”
bind “t” “_reload” “” “covertops”

bind “t” “toggle g_showVehicleCockpits 0 1” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “t” “toggle g_showVehicleCockpits 0 1” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “t” “toggle g_showVehicleCockpits 0 1” “” “desi”

// Chat global
set chaton “g_chatDefaultColor ‘1 1 1 1’; echo chaton; bind o $chatoff”
set chatoff “g_chatDefaultColor ‘0 0 0 0’; echo chatoff; bind o $chaton”
bind “o” “vstr chaton”

// Arti warning, in Multiplayer nicht änderbar
set ArtiON “g_artillerywarning ‘1’; echo ArtiON; bind rightctrl $ArtiOFF”
set ArtiOFF “g_artillerywarning ‘0’; echo ArtiOFF; bind rightctrl $ArtiON”
bind “rightctrl” “vstr ArtiON”

// Chat team
// set chatonTeamBIND “g_chatTeamColor ‘1 1 0 1’; echo chatonTEAM; bind 0x3c $chatoffTeamBIND”
// set chatoffTeamBIND “g_chatTeamColor ‘0 0 0 0’; echo chatoffTEAM; bind 0x3c $chatonTeamBIND”
// bind “0x3c” “vstr chatonTeamBIND”

set chatonTeam “g_chatTeamColor ‘1 1 0 1’; echo chatonTeam;”
set chatoffTeam “g_chatTeamColor ‘0 0 0 0’; echo chatoffTeam;”

bind “ctrl” “_activate” “” “default”
bind “tab” “toggle ui_showGun 0 1” “” “default”
bind “q” “toggle ui_showGun 0 1” “” “default”
bind “pgdn” “_showScores” “” “default”

bind “semicolon” “toggle g_drawPlayerIcons 0 1” “” “default”
bind “apostrophe” “toggle g_showPlayerClassIcon 0 2” “” “default”

// KP
bind “kp_downarrow” "clientQuickChat botchat/generic/tkrevive " “” “medic”
bind “kp_downarrow” "clientQuickChat botchat/generic/tkrevive " “” “technician”
bind “kp_pgdn” “clientQuickChat botchat/generic/holdonimamedic” “” “medic”
bind “kp_pgdn” “clientQuickChat botchat/generic/holdonimatechnician” “” “technician”
bind “KP_PLUS” “_quickchat” “” “default”
bind “KP_ENTER” “_fireteam” “” “default”
bind “KP_MINUS” “toggleNetDemo” “” “default”
bind “KP_ENTER” “_menuAccept” “” “menu”

bind “.” “r_brightness 1.80” “” “default”
bind “,” “r_brightness 1.60” “” “default”
bind “-” “r_brightness 1.20” “” “default”

// removed
// removed
// removed

// bind “+” “_teamvoice” “” “default”
// bind “p” “toggle g_showWayPoints 0 1” “” “default”

// bind “ENTER” “_voice” “” “default”
bind “ENTER” “clientMessageMode” “” “default”

bind “ENTER” “_menuAccept” “” “menu”
bind “ENTER” “_menuNewline” “CTRL” “menu”
bind “ENTER” “_menuNewline” “RIGHTCTRL” “menu”

// geht nicht…
bind “k” “_lookdown” “” “medic”
bind “k” “_lookdown” “” “technician”
bind “k” “_lookDown” “” “default”

// clientdefault spawn und engi / constr
set engi “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;setSpawnPoint default”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “soldier”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “medic”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “fieldops”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “engineer”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “covertops”
bind “pause” “vstr engi” “” “vehicleGDF”

set constr “clientClass Constructor 0;wait;kill;setSpawnPoint default”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “aggressor”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “technician”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “constructor”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “oppressor”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “infiltrator”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “pause” “vstr constr” “” “desi”


bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “soldier”
bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “medic”
bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “fieldops”
bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “engineer”
bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “covertops”
bind “F9” “clientClass Soldier 2;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleGDF”

// Assault Rifle
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “soldier”
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “medic”
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “fieldops”
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “engineer”
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “covertops”
bind “F10” “clientClass Medic 0;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleGDF”

// Assault Rifle
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “soldier”
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “medic”
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “fieldops”
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “engineer”
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “covertops”
bind “F11” “clientClass Engineer 0;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleGDF”

//Covert Ops
// mit Sniper
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “soldier”
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “medic”
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “fieldops”
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “engineer”
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “covertops”
bind “F12” “clientClass CovertOps 1;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleGDF”


// mit Hyper
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “aggressor”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “technician”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “constructor”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “oppressor”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “infiltrator”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “F9” “clientClass Aggressor 2;wait;kill;” “” “desi”

// mit Lac
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “aggressor”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “technician”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “constructor”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “oppressor”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “infiltrator”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “F10” “clientClass Technician 0;;wait;kill;” “” “desi”

// mit Lac
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;;wait;kill;” “” “aggressor”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;;wait;kill;” “” “technician”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;;wait;kill;” “” “constructor”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;;wait;kill;” “” “oppressor”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;wait;kill;” “” “infiltrator”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “F11” “clientClass Constructor 0;wait;kill;” “” “desi”

// mit Rail
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;;wait;kill;” “” “aggressor”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;;wait;kill;” “” “technician”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;;wait;kill;” “” “constructor”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;;wait;kill;” “” “oppressor”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;wait;kill;” “” “infiltrator”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;wait;kill;” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “F12” “clientClass Infiltrator 1;wait;kill;” “” “desi”

bind “G” “_activate” “” “covertops”
bind “G” “_activate” “” “infiltrator”
bind “h” “_usevehicle” “” “covertops”
bind “h” “_usevehicle” “” “infiltrator”

// bind “mouse2” “_moveup” “” “default”

// flyer drone warning, chat
// bind “leftarrow” “_usevehicle” “” “default”
// bind “rightarrow” “_usevehicle” “” “default”

bind “SPACE” “_attack” “” “default”

// mouse
bind “mouse1” “_altattack” “” “default”

bind “+” “_teamvoice” “” “default”
bind “#” “_voice” “” “default”
bind “mouse2” “_moveup” “” “default”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “desi”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse2” “_weapon0” “” “vehicleStrogg”
bind “mouse1” “_moveup” “” “desi”
bind “mouse1” “_moveup” “” “vehicleGDF”
bind “mouse1” “_moveup” “” “vehicleStrogg”

bind “leftarrow” “clientTeam strogg” “ALT” “default” // Join Strogg Team
bind “rightarrow” “clientTeam gdf” “ALT” “default” // Join GDF Team
bind “downarrow” “clientTeam spectator” “ALT” “default” // Join Spectators

bind “s” “s_restart” “ALT” “default” // reconnect

bind tab _menuNavForward “” menu
bind tab _menuNavBackward shift menu
bind tab _menuNavBackward rightshift menu
bind escape _menuCancel “” menu
bind enter _menuAccept “” menu
bind kp_enter _menuAccept “” menu
bind enter _menuNewline “ctrl” menu
bind enter _menuNewline rightctrl menu
bind escape _menuCancel “” bindmenu

vstr chaton
vstr chatonTeam