Looking for a clan to join!

(lambenttyto) #1

I’d like to join a clan, preferably one with native English speakers.

If anyone out there is looking for new members, let me know, and give me a link or something about your clan.


(Ca9ine) #2

A ET:QW clan? Or a clan in general?

(lambenttyto) #3

Quake Wars.

(Ca9ine) #4

OK, then.

Not sure how well that’ll work out for you these days.
If you’re ever considering playing BF4 or Dirty Bomb when it’s available -you know where you can find us :cool:

(Perf3ct) #5

TAW looking for players. GL :slight_smile:

(lambenttyto) #6

Yeah, I’m in contact with them right now. I hope they let me in.