Look what il've found: De_Dust2

(taw_m0nsta) #1

Yes a very old port of De_Dust2. I found it on some russian file sharing site. The map is playable, but far from a final stage :frowning: Its not Strogg Portal proof (a bit like MP_base). when you join as spectator you see how glitchy the map is. All with all a fun map to play and didn’t crashed doing ‘any’ objective.

Download: http://monsta.nl/taw/dump/zzz_de_dust2.pk4

(Dthy) #2

Would be a fun map, but with only one obj it would be a very short one imo

(taw_m0nsta) #3

Hehe yeh, but thats what De Dust is all about. The objectives are kinda like MP_base, but now you only need to do 1 of them. Perfect for a few Time to beat matches If you ask me :smiley:

(matsy) #4

Dual Objective / CTF like the mardia version would work

(Ashog) #5

in which way is it different from de_dust 1? I see no difference tbh. Not fun really.

(Susefreak) #6

You know there is a reason why things are buried away.

(Crytiqal) #7

lol, been playing this map for 3 weeks on my server already

when the map is voted it loads a de_dust config which limits the classes and the maptime to 2 minutes.
It’s fun for stopwatch or objective rounds on repeat

(Verticae) #8

Entire layout. de_dust2 vs de_dust.

(Ashog) #9

Oh, now I know. I have already been having this de_dust 2 vesrsion for 2 years now. That’s why not noticed any difference. I can only imagine how crappy the 1st version was.

(pazur) #10

What happened to the author of the map? :wink: He has no interest in fixing it and releasing De_Dust3?