LNAYawn, enhance your ETQW experience!

(AnthonyDa) #101

New version is up !

-Fixed frag counter not counting teamkill when using [tag] clantag.
-Multiple instance of the application not allowed anymore.
-PlayerName value to count frags automatically checked when you are changing it.

Download link stays the same, hopefully it will be the last release before it goes public.

(Apoc) #102

If its fixed, fancy sharring? :smiley:

(murka) #103

In debug build it works with no probs, but on release build it exits like a program finishing would do, tho it shouldn’t be able to finish.

(RnDnA) #104

Sounds like a compiler optimization to me :slight_smile: It threw out code which it considers as “useless”.
But as I’ve no knowledge of the program I’m probably mistaken…

(Donnovan) #105

Change “Smurf Checking” to “Multi-Account Checking”.

(Coliseum) #106

[QUOTE=AnthonyDa;221598]New version is up !

-Fixed frag counter not counting teamkill when using [tag] clantag.
-Multiple instance of the application not allowed anymore.
-PlayerName value to count frags automatically checked when you are changing it.

Download link stays the same, hopefully it will be the last release before it goes public.[/QUOTE]

Insta-fixed all issues (non-working fragcounter) I had. Nice app!

(AnthonyDa) #107

Probably because new version doesn’t use old version preference :stuck_out_tongue:
I should really add a “reset everything” button.

(AnthonyDa) #108

Ok so I have some news to share :stuck_out_tongue:

1st : I’ve added that “reset all settings” button but haven’t uploaded the news version yet since previous upload is only few days old and I’m trying to avoid to release to many version, but I can upload it if requested.

2nd: I’ve made a really quick application reading server logs to grab smurf. But, it’s only Windows compatible now and log might contains some privacy datas (like full guid & player IP), so instead of asking for all the server log, I’ll post a tutorial with the application (like a readme.txt packed with the appz). Then server admins should be able to send me a tiny txt file containing only the last 8 digits of the pb_guid with associated nickname, just like pb_plist, so it should be safe for privacy :stuck_out_tongue:

So if you are server admin and wish to send me the pb_guid from your server log, plz send me a PM.

If you want to be a linux heroes and do a bash script (or whatever working on linux) capable of getting pb_guid and player name from server log, you can send me a PM too ! :stroggbanana:

(AnthonyDa) #109

Public version available ! Check 1st post for updates and download links !

(Apoc) #110



(ispellcorrectly) #111

its missing one of my accounts - finalfantasy7 :stuck_out_tongue:

but works a treat thanks!

(holod) #112

Nice tool, It works really nice.
What does the button GetFromGame?

(ispellcorrectly) #113

the frag counter does not seem to want to work :frowning: followed all steps in the readme file

(AnthonyDa) #114

Nice tool, It works really nice.
What does the button GetFromGame?[/quote]
It gets your player name from the game directly, so you don’t have to put it manually.

Restart game first to apply log properties.

(ispellcorrectly) #115

so, start the game, start LNAYawn, restart the game and it should work?

yet when I type ‘log’ into the console it DOES give me the correct information

(AnthonyDa) #116

Once the 3 cvar for the log are set correctly, you might need to restart the game so it uses lnayawn.log as logfile instead of previous one, because the game isn’t applying the logfilename properties dirrectly, you need a game restart to apply it.

(holod) #117

possible to show k/d of several players of his team?

(Kl3ppy) #118

PM Murka :wink:

(crumblycake) #119

Well, thanks for the update! But, still can’t get it to work…

(AnthonyDa) #120

Obviously, you are doing something wrong.
Can you go to the folder %\AppData\Local\Clan_LNA\LNAYawn.exe\ and pastebin the user.config file ?