Level editor for Linux ?

(=PoW= Kernel 2.6.5) #21

Just trying to be proactive instead of reactive.

Chances are once the game is out someone will try it using Cedega.

My main concern is being able to PLAY the game on Linux.
Thank you to those responsible for making that happen.

Currently, I’m involved with a community that’s heavily involved in RTCW:ET and has no interest in D3 or Q4 but does have a strong interest in ET:QW.

While I personally like D3 and Q4 I haven’t attempted mapping for these games since I’m not really involved in those communities.

I’m hoping for a Linux friendly solution to make maps for ET:QW.

(kamikazee) #22

My main concern is being able to PLAY the game on Linux.
Thank you to those responsible for making that happen.
[/quote] I wouldn’t worry too much about this, I think TTimo will sure make it happen.

True. That might turn out to be the problem.

(Diablo150) #23

I know, I work on www.jeuvinux.net, a French site about Linux games. And I’ve interviewed TTimo on January:

(Of course in French)

"Quake Wars dispose d’un éditeur intégré, de la même manière que Doom3 et Quake 4 (Windows seulement). Je ne sais pas si la source sera disponible. Une version Linux est assez improbable. "

It can be translated to (with my broken English):

Quake Wars use a internal editor like Doom 3 and Quake 4 (Windows only). I don’t know if the source code will be open (ndm: GTKRadiant is on GPL licence). A Linux portage is also improbable

But thank you :slight_smile:

(Nail) #24

I was under the impression it was parallel development…gotta start keeping notes

(B0rsuk) #25

I think these days wine performs much better than cedega. New versions come out like crazy, and it’s able to run quite a lot of programs.

(=PoW= Kernel 2.6.5) #26

I’m going to have to look into WINE again.

The last time I used it there was little or no Direct-X support and most of the programs I tried to use with it crashed.

(nUllSkillZ) #27

Winw isn’t usefull here - GTKRadiant is available for Linux.
And I highly doubt that ET:QW (windows) will run under Wine.

(cheesecake) #28

IIRC Doom 3 run under wine so I can’t see why Quake Wars will be any differant anyway its just the editor you will want to work under wine because the game will run better nativly

(CodE-E) #29

Are you a game developer for Quake wars ?[/quote]

NAIL = God :stroggbanana:[/quote]

(B0rsuk) #30

What’s the point of running Doom 3 under wine if there’s native version available ?

(kamikazee) #31

The point is that you can try to run the game AND the editor in WINE should the game work fine.

(figvam) #32

The point was that the native Linux version came out a few months later than the release.