Level Design forum for ET:QW?

(FireFly) #1

On the enemyterritory.com website they launched a new QW editing forum…

I was wondering if there will also be a level design forum for quake wars here on the SD site?

(xro) #2

of course there will be :o i think they didnt added it yet because there is no gtk radiant for qw already.

(]UBC[ McNite) #3

I requested this months ago… and months - 1 they said, they d add it next week… which was, well, months ago too :roll:

(.Chris.) #4

They never said they was going to add it just that they were going to be constructing it, maybe search next time. :roll:

(kamikazee) #5

Yarr, they didn’t say when, those sneaky developers. :smiley:

(gloowa) #6

omg :o i readed “Wils and Steve will be restructuring the forums this week. There will be a dedicated forum for ETQW Level Design and Mod-Making.” 10 times before i (in that other thread) but i just realised that one week from 1st sentece do not apply to 2nd sentence :o

english is sooo weeeerid… :stuck_out_tongue:

(kamikazee) #7

It is, isn’t it?

Being a master of subtleties in the english language is a requirement if you are a member of the PR staff…
Using “fuzzy language” continuously is a plus as well.

(gloowa) #8

more like ‘‘fuzzy logic’’ actually :stuck_out_tongue:

(kamikazee) #9

No, fuzzy logic is actually rather precise. (When something is 0.67 true, it really is 0.67 true and can’t be interpreted differently.)

Fuzzy language, on the other hand, is just vague.

(]UBC[ McNite) #10

Actually I think its just pretty annoying and not really helping the community. Being precise about statements would prevent ppl from wondering whether and when something happens. I think that even if its true that the english use a lot of not-so-precise and more subtle language being aware of that a lot of users on here are not used to that kind of communication style and therefore adapting to this a bit would be nice.

(gloowa) #11

when you read that statement it’s VERY precise, that’s the whole trick.

‘‘When something is 0.67 true, it really is 0.67 true’’
:slight_smile: heard of Murphy’s laws? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #12

I do, even read a few derived laws for use in the domain of computer science.

(gloowa) #13

hhehehe :slight_smile: i loved ‘‘The text editor dogma’’ and formula for number of availble sheets of paper when printing ‘‘n’’ pages :slight_smile:

BTW, i try to follow the rule : if something don’t work, press harder. if it broke, it was ages agow when it should be replaced. :stroggtapir:

(FireFly) #14

Well, yes…that was my point :smiley: :why is there a qw editing forum on Enemyterritory.com And none here at the SD forum…(yet)

The problem I have with the current editing forum on enemyterritory.com is that modding and mapping is thrown into the same forum: I think there is a big, big difference between them and I rather see them separate: QW modding Forum / QW level design Forum.

Well…, the ET test build was released on April 24th 2003 while the final ET version was released on may 29th… 5 days later the ET level design forum was created, So I still have good hopes that eventually there will be a qw editing forum here soon after the game is released…

But perhaps Wils or Steve or another dev could have some more info on this? :poke: