Let's talk about the "Change Team" function.

(supergonzo) #21

Déjà vu

(Jostabeere) #22

If I would play with friends, I would care more about a balanced game and play against my friends than playing with them on one team for the sake of being on one team.
You can have fun both way, with your friends, and against them. But in some cases, one of those things means no fun for a whole team of enemies.

(n-x) #23

@Jostabeere Still has nothing to do with what OP said and what I said.

(vSyNd) #24

[quote=“Kelben;205111”]You are mixing 2 things together.

Yes, people are trying to get on the same team with their clan mates and yes there are douchebags who do that to pub stomp. But there are also people who just want to play with their friends / team mates. Giving half a crap about balance is not the same as purposely switching sides to stomp the weaker team.

OP claims that experienced players change sides to pub stomp. That this happens half of his games. Think about the games you had in your 700 hours. Did in half of those games people stack. And I am not talking about team mates. I am talking about one random high lvl player sees that he has the chance of teaming up with another random high lvl player on the other team. Half of your games. You played 350 hours against stacked teams…

Furthermore all this about team stacking how it is killing the game one day after the casual match making test…


I’m not here to give you a perfect statistical analysis of how Team Stacking is happening. Obviously my “1/2” wasn’t SPOT on, but you are sitting here and AGREEING that it happens, and act like it’s no big deal.

People are Exploiting the game, but it’s no big deal.

And if you have to argue and be right about is my random statistical analysis, then you need to up your game. Give me good reasons why Change Team shouldn’t be taken out of the game, I can only think of 1, and most of the time that 1 reason isn’t the reason people use Team Change.

They want to play with their friends?
Ranked Matchmaking

They want to play as attack/defender?
Play Stopwatch Mode, you’ll have the chance to play both sides, Server Browser and Ranked Matchmaking have the Stopwatch Mode.

And for your last one. Yup, the only good reason, the reason a small % of people use.

(vSyNd) #25

[quote=“supergonzo;205112”]Déjà vu

I was told the devs don’t read steam posts, so maybe here.

I am trying to make the game better, can’t say much for what others intentions are… Well I kinda can, Exploiting seems to be most peoples intention.

(n-x) #26

That what you are describing. Experienced players, changing teams to stomp in pubs. Just this. Is no problem at all. I have roughly the same in-game time as Jostabeere. This is the foundation of my argument. Over 750 hours in game. It doesnt make me a great player but I have spent a lot of time in-game. Yes, I have seen team members trying to get together on one side. Yes, I have seen people joining the winning team, but mostly low levels. Yes, from time to time you see a high level player switch sides to another high level player. But, and this is my point, does not automatically mean that he does it to pub stomp.

Random high level players just waiting until there is one team missing one player to jump over, is not a problem. Even more since, if there is a dominant team it is way more likely that players from the losing team are dropping and thus the player willing to stack doesnt even have a chance to do it.

I see that you put a lot of work into your theory. But it is just not there.

There are several points that take away a lot of credibility from your post, like calling this an exploit. It’s not an exploit. Maybe it sucks if people are doing this, but it is not an exploit.

Starting this whole giant thread one day after the CMM test… Why? CMM will take care of your “exploit”

If that was such a huge thing, why isnt the forum full with rage posts about this. Do you really think you found a game breaking exploit 1000 of other players who probably spend way more time in-game werent able to find?

(Noblemight) #27

It’s a gameplay feature people like to abuse. Simple fix, wipe a player’s game stats for doing this. Also warn players that switching teams means abandoning their stats. And for the love of all that is holy we don’t need a vote shuffle feature. I actually enjoy struggling against a tougher team if my teammates are in it with me.

(vSyNd) #28

[quote=“Kelben;205127”]That what you are describing. Experienced players, changing teams to stomp in pubs. Just this. Is no problem at all. I have roughly the same in-game time as Jostabeere. This is the foundation of my argument. Over 750 hours in game. It doesnt make me a great player but I have spent a lot of time in-game. Yes, I have seen team members trying to get together on one side. Yes, I have seen people joining the winning team, but mostly low levels. Yes, from time to time you see a high level player switch sides to another high level player. But, and this is my point, does not automatically mean that he does it to pub stomp.

Random high level players just waiting until there is one team missing one player to jump over, is not a problem. Even more since, if there is a dominant team it is way more likely that players from the losing team are dropping and thus the player willing to stack doesnt even have a chance to do it.

I see that you put a lot of work into your theory. But it is just not there.

There are several points that take away a lot of credibility from your post, like calling this an exploit. It’s not an exploit. Maybe it sucks if people are doing this, but it is not an exploit.

Starting this whole giant thread one day after the CMM test… Why? CMM will take care of your “exploit”

If that was such a huge thing, why isnt the forum full with rage posts about this. Do you really think you found a game breaking exploit 1000 of other players who probably spend way more time in-game werent able to find?


I technically never said High Level Players. I said experienced players, players that understand you can switch teams to get the advantage. Don’t add words I didn’t use.

Now that that is cleared up.

Yes, I put the work were work was needed. The balancing, which the devs are working on RIGHT NOW is broken. I have figured out one of the reasons, people Team Stacking, so yes I have found something all the other players didn’t.

If any of those 5000+ other players were to have found it, don’t you think the devs wouldn’t still be working on balance as we speak?

This is the very definition of an Exploit. Try reading some other posts to gather more information. Seems you have overlooked something yourself.

CMM is a whole different topic, I don’t want to get into, but I’ll leave 1 response to your question.

CMM does take care of it, you can’t switch teams in CMM. Perfect/Fixed, but the queue times are terrible, and there is no chance for players to fill the empty spots when people drop out, so those 2 things kind of trump the “Fix” for the Change Team Issue. I think CMM is bad for the game due to the 2 things I mentioned, other than that I liked it.

God I hope you understood what I just said in that response, I don’t want to derail this post, so please don’t.

(vSyNd) #29

Might be an option, I wonder if it would be enough to make people not do it. I mean technically players do it at the start of matches when they can, really they just do it ASAP, so the wiping of the score wouldn’t matter at the early stages in the game.

Overall probably wont fix the issue, because if players do it at the start like I mentioned, they would still have a good score by the end of the game.

I like the matches that feel I have a chance to win, but it’s a struggle and not a stomp. They are the most fun, the roller coaster ride of “We’re fucked” all the way to “OMG, Push push push, we got it finally.”. :smiley:

(frostyvampire) #30


So what the experienced players do is… Let the game auto select balanced teams[/quote]

This made my day

The only times I use this option is when I want to be on the same team with my friend (and I usually play solo) or when the enemy team has less players (for example 7v5) and then I change teams to help them. There’s nothing bad about this system, but it will be removed when CMM is out

(n-x) #31

You want the change, you claim something. So you must prove that something is wrong with it. Up until now, you didnt.

Because it has to be most likely a player with a higher level/ a better player. In your own little perfect world scenario it is a good player. If it is a potatoe player it doesnt matter on which side he is.

And to know that when you switch to a team where the lvl average is +20 higher you increase your chances of winning. You dont have to be experienced. you just shouldnt be a complete moron.

(N8o) #32


Thats such BS, I cant even…

How do you know that? How? You just pulled that right out of your ass.
There are other explanations for this.

-They want to play with their friend(s) who is/are in the other team
-They want to play as attacker/defender (Objective Mode)
-They change side because the game hardly balance the teams and they want to help the weaker side out.

Most experienced players I know stomped enough noobs and are more interested in balanced games. Sure there are some dickheads, but this explanation for side switching of high level players is just pathetic. Most of the times it’s low level players who immediately start to whine if a 60+ joins the enemy team and are the first to join the enemy team if there is a spot free.


You have no idea. I came around so many games where people stacked teams with clanmates to win. People like @N8o did this all the time to stomp uneven teams.
Every “experienced” player would have no issue to play against his friend/s for a match when the balance would be restored. Sadly, the majority in this game doesn’t give half a steaming crap about balance and want a quick win.
And in my 700 hours I only came around two guys on a really high level who cared for balance. @LifeupOmega and ragnak.
Most high levels in pub don’t give half a crap either.[/quote]

Always a pleasure to be called out on things I never did

(vSyNd) #33

Give me good reasons why Change Team shouldn’t be taken out of the game, I can only think of 1, and most of the time that 1 reason isn’t the reason people use Team Change.

You want the change, you claim something. So you must prove that something is wrong with it. Up until now, you didnt.

Because it has to be most likely a player with a higher level/ a better player. In your own little perfect world scenario it is a good player. If it is a potatoe player it doesnt matter on which side he is.

And to know that when you switch to a team where the lvl average is +20 higher you increase your chances of winning. You dont have to be experienced. you just shouldnt be a complete moron.[/quote]

I gave reasons in the OP. That wasn’t the first time I gave one.

Now you’re saying High Level players are better players too, I never said that, your imagination is running wild, get a grip.

(Cletus_VanDamme) #34

Yet another reason to just remove the levels from ingame.

(doxjq) #35

Kelben is right. I’m guilty of doing this as well. Ranked is dead right now, so we can only play pub. If I want to practice with my clan mates, I’m going to change to their side. Matchmaking can’t come soon enough in this respect. It’s that simple. I have friends who play this game and I want to play it with them, not against them. It has nothing to do with pub stomping or purposely stacking just for a win at least for me.

But that said the OP is right too. There are douchebags who pub stomp intentionally for no good reason, even if they know no one on the stacked team they’re changing to. But calling out high levels for this is a bit silly. I see more low level guys do this than high levels. Soon as a spot opens up on “the winning team” I always get new players swapping teams as fast as they possibly can. I see this way more often than high level players swapping. If anything I usually see high level players swap to the losing team.

(crimsonDessert) #36

I dont know If my post will be still relevant but…

I switch teams to play with my clan, and despite the fact that we usually have me the clan leader and the another player, wich the levels are 13, 26 and 44 we are a complete mess, with everyone screaming in eachothers ears through discord, and we never stomp, we play for laughs, so when people switch to play with friends the do it for fun, not for pub stomping, the ones that switch to pub stomp are usually low levels that just want a easy win.

(vSyNd) #37

Thanks for the constructive input guys.

[quote=“Dox;205189”]Kelben is right. I’m guilty of doing this as well. Ranked is dead right now, so we can only play pub. If I want to practice with my clan mates, I’m going to change to their side. Matchmaking can’t come soon enough in this respect. It’s that simple. I have friends who play this game and I want to play it with them, not against them. It has nothing to do with pub stomping or purposely stacking just for a win at least for me.

But that said the OP is right too. There are douchebags who pub stomp intentionally for no good reason, even if they know no one on the stacked team they’re changing to. But calling out high levels for this is a bit silly. I see more low level guys do this than high levels. Soon as a spot opens up on “the winning team” I always get new players swapping teams as fast as they possibly can. I see this way more often than high level players swapping. If anything I usually see high level players swap to the losing team. [/quote]

I never said high level players were the only ones doing it. Please stop saying I did.

I believe the game would be in a better place if people wouldn’t Change Teams and stack.

That being said, it’s up to the devs to fix Ranked Matchmaking being dead so people CAN play with their friends without stacking teams. The devs also need to maintaining a balanced game overall for players not in ranked, which is currently not happening. Changing teams does more harm than good, even though it is used for good sometimes.

[quote=“crimsonDessert;205190”]I dont know If my post will be still relevant but…

I switch teams to play with my clan, and despite the fact that we usually have me the clan leader and the another player, wich the levels are 13, 26 and 44 we are a complete mess, with everyone screaming in eachothers ears through discord, and we never stomp, we play for laughs, so when people switch to play with friends the do it for fun, not for pub stomping, the ones that switch to pub stomp are usually low levels that just want a easy win.[/quote]

I switch teams now as well, and I like winning, it’s my enjoyment out of video games. I know other people find enjoyment in other ways, but mine is winning. I am sure many other people are like me and want to win, and that’s why they also do it, but I still don’t enjoy pub stomping, and pushing people back into their own spawn. I like to win, but I like it to be a fun struggle.

If they don’t fix this issue soon, idk, like I said… I guess I’ll have to give up on this great game, which is sad.

(doxjq) #38

Sorry, when you said…

I thought you were implying only high level players were doing it.

But I agree, there are douchebags who stack teams just for the sake of not losing, but when CMM comes out there’s going to be a crap load of premade 6v6’s that are going to stomp everybody, so I doubt the game will ever have perfect balance.

(vSyNd) #39

yea, I guess I’m just going to try and enjoy the game while I can.

(n-x) #40


I gave reasons in the OP. That wasn’t the first time I gave one.

Now you’re saying High Level players are better players too, I never said that, your imagination is running wild, get a grip.[/quote]

You just claimed something in your OP, but never backed it up, neither you got the back up from the community here.

High level makes sense in this way. Because if you want to stack in the beginning of a match, you only have levels to look for. And it has to be high level players/skilled players if you are talking about stacking teams who ruin it for the other side, because nobody cares if a team of walking potatoes are trying to stack.