Lessons learnt the hard way

(humaneBerry) #1

So beyond the standard play with your team and so on I figured there are some things that can help a new player.
Feel free to comment and add to the list of things a new guy might want to know.

1: How to change your Loadout

You recieve Loadout cards from crates. At the start of a game before you spawn in, simply click on your merc portraits at the top, then click the merc you want in that slot and you will be able to pick a loadout card.

There is a great wikipage on loadouts here http://dirtybomb.gamepedia.com/Cards#Weapons

2: Escorting objectives

When a map requires you to escort a vehicle it is required that atleast one person from the escorting team is close to the vehicle for it to move. If the vehicle is not moving it is easily disabled by airstrikes.

3: Fraggers Grenades can be cooked!

By holding the skill button on fragger you can cook his grenades. The timer is indicated by him lifting his fingers counting to three. If the grenade is not released it will explode in your hand and kill you.

(humaneBerry) #2

4: Artys ability wont go off when you are shot

Artys artillery strike has a channel time to call in. This channel time gets staggered when you are shot at. Try to avoid gunfire when you are calling it in!

5: Destroy hearbeat sensors

Hearbeat sensors give extremely vital information to the team that uses them properly. If you see a red ball on the ground i suggest you shoot it.

6: Don’t stand still when repairing!

Contrary to when placing a C4 you can actually move when repairing. This is particularly useful when you want to get that last repair in on a vechicle while you are being shot at. Just keep repairing and move into cover behind the vehicle.

7: Focus on the right thing!

If someone is repairing something, dont help them repair. The time it takes is not decreased because you try to help. Secure the area instead. Same thing with C4, don’t stare at the guy planting, make sure he can plant without being shot.

8: Plan your vehicle repairs!

When your EV is down it wont take any further damage. If you notice an airstrike is about to be called in ontop of it and you are nearly done with the repairs. Back out until the airstrike is over an finish it afterwards. If you repair it before the airstrike lands, chances are it will break instantly.

(lapislazuliPark) #3

Carrying on cos i can :stuck_out_tongue:

9: Run with your knife out

You run at different speeds based on the equipment your carrying. Use this to your advantage to help with getting round the map.

10: Finish off players

because nothings worse than seeing that player you downed getting revived and then you dieing.

11: you can get in the EV

go the side of it and you can get in that there MG nest… And don’;t be afraid to pop in and out to avoid dieing… your gonna get headshot a lot in the EV because your head is generally the only visible part. Speaking of MG Nests…

12: Most maps have MG nests use them to full advantage

They can be used to lock down areas pretty damn well but won’t damage objectives ( pretty sure that’s right?)… so don’t try

13: Please don’t whine about skill balance…

the game’s metrics system is in progress so the game has nothing to balance teams on… so shh

(Szakalot) #4

14: secondary objectives can be destroyed with conventional weapons - generators, walls etc.

(lapislazuliPark) #5

you just blew my mind…

(Szakalot) #6

you just blew my mind…


Devs are really keen on hiding this feature for some reason, as its really non-obvious to a default player. I think it takes sth like 5 fragger nades, so two fraggers + 2-3 full clips of LMG can take the generator down in 10sec.

(nesS) #7

First time I use this “insightful” function of the forum. You blew my mind too. I’m lvl 11 and had no clue about that.

(NuclearSharkhead) #8

Who figured this out? That’s pretty cool.

(cosmopolitanSponge) #9

@NuclearSharkhead you can also destroy the EV with anything else other than your ability, but it takes a lot more time, pretty much you can use anything explosive like frags, proximity mines, your weapons, melee, mg, just anything to hit the armor of the EV… guessing lots of people know this, but I am just letting people know who didn’t :wink:

(FrankUnderwood) #10

Mgs have been my bffls when defending on a team with no air support. Especially chapel.

(Diosito) #11

There is an augment (Armour Piercing) with which bullets do 15% more damage to the EV.


(Littelboy) #12
  1. Shoot with a good smile on your face

(Runeforce) #13

[quote=“humaneBerry;1870”]3: Fraggers Grenades can be cooked!

By holding the skill button on fragger you can cook his grenades. The timer is indicated by him lifting his fingers counting to three. If the grenade is not released it will explode in your hand and kill you.


And you can kill a cook by switching to a weapon.

  1. Remember to have fun with the longjump and walljumps, Jump, bunny, jump!

(Szakalot) #14

17. Using fast melee attack is enough to finish off an incapacitated player.

(Ardez1) #15

18. The EV moves faster with more people next to it.

(Chirs) #16

Does that mean switching to melee does more damage, pls?

(Runeforce) #17

Does that mean switching to melee does more damage, pls?

It means to gib is faster and more reliable executed if you switch to your knife and use your primary attack, than using the alternative knife attack that is bound to your mousewheel by default, because the primary knife attack is much faster and slows you shorter.

The knife (or bat) is extra damage effecient on incapped players, compared to other weapons. It is your gibbing tool.

(mOist) #18
  1. When using the Medics Defib , hold down your revive button to charge the defib pad, this will grant the revived player more health once applied (Full charge = Max health on revive)

(Ardez1) #19

19a. Charging the defib paddles will also increase the range of the revive.

(TitaniumTeddyBear) #20

So much good stuff in this thread.

Is it really true that the EV moves faster with more people around it?

If so that’s awesome :slight_smile: