@henki000 said:
Do you have proof that telemetry data is junk? Do you have proof that they are balancing purely off telemetry statistic? Looking at dev videos where they explain telemetry system, they also include players opinions and dev opinions. So balance chances are not purely based on telemetry.
“Include player opinions.”
Machine pistol nerf because… see, a lot of… a non-zero amount of people… regularly… about machine pistols… you know… they sometimes complain… with non-zero frequency… you gotta understand, machine pistols are just… you know, very contentious… especially in the community…
Nerf overperforming weapons by adding a fuckton of horizontal recoil because… random shot placement is highly conducive toward a competitive environment… said FUCKING NOBODY EVER.
But, hey, at least we’re getting a gimmicky, Hanzo memetard. That’s totally what a non-zero number of players actually good at the game wanted.
Oh, yeah, just cause Destiny is a console game, even though the devs extremely heavily relied on telemetry data for balance decisions like Splash Damage is now doing, there is nothing to learn. Lol, k.
@henki000 said:
“Reduced HP to 130 (was 140)”
You realize Fragger used to have 150 HP right… if you’re new to the game, this discussion doesn’t really pertain to you.
@ARandomLugia said:
Actually, Fragger/guardian matchup aint that one sided. Just throwing the nade into the skyshield when it is already up is stupid, but a properly timed nade can easily put a stop to that spam preventing shield whilst it is still charging up or just went down.
Skyshield has extremely high uptime. And again, Guardian isn’t in ranked / competitive yet. The whole point is before you nerf the shit out of the merc who is most impacted by Guardian, maybe wait to see how Guardian impacts the game. We can agree to that, right?