Welcome to Dirty Bomb’s first Fine Tuning update!
With this update, in lieu of adding in new features or Mercs, we have focused on refining Dirty Bomb’s existing content and gameplay in order to keep Dirty Bomb as fair, sturdy and competitive as possible. There might not be anything brand new to sink your teeth into, but we’ve still got a wealth of changes, such as revisions to View-Kick, balance changes for Sparks and Phantom, improvements to the Mission and Spectator systems and more.
Take a look at the full battery of changes below, and we look forward to seeing your feedback in the Official Dirty Bomb Forums after you’ve given them a spin!
Balance Changes
General Gameplay
Reduced the amount of kick when receiving damage, to compensate for the recent update to view-kick functionality
Players will now only spawn in game after choosing a Merc, once a map is loaded
Deployables are now easier to place in tighter spaces
Reclaiming a Sticky Bomb now only returns 50% of the cooldown
Fixed bug where pressing '4' could cause a Frag Grenade to be thrown
Phantom's health has been lowered to 110hp (from 120hp)
Refractive Armor maximum recharge time increased to 10s (from 6s)
Taking damage that exceeds remaining Refractive Armor energy will now also eat into health
Heartbeat Sensor detection no longer disables Refractive Armor, but will still spot Phantom
Refractive Armor no longer prevents gas damage from eating into health
Refractive Armor is now slightly more visible when Phantom is moving
Cloaking/de-cloaking audio is now more audible to other players
REVIVR now deals the correct amount of damage to objectives
REVIVR battery now begins draining immediately, rather than when minimum charge is reached
Increased the rate at which the REVIVR battery is depleted while charging shots by 10%
Enemy REVIVR shots are now seen as orange in-game
Ranged Weapons
K-121 Machine Gun - Reduced spread and recoil by ~5%
PDP-70 Automatic Sniper Rifle - This will no longer insta-gib players if it kills with a headshot
KEK-10 SMG - Bullet spread now increases ~7% faster than before while firing
Crotzni SMG - Bullet spread now increases ~10% faster than before while firing
Melee Weapons
Added a turn-speed-limit for melee attacks to prevent exploits and to reward initial aim
This will be fine-tuned based on player feedback and metrics
Cricket Bat - Reduced run speed when equipped by 2.5%
Katana - Reduced run speed when equipped by 2.5%
Katana - Secondary attacks now deal damage for a shorter period of time
Chopper Augment melee damage bonus reduced to +15% (down from +20%)
Lock-On Augment now correctly reduces Turret lock-on times
Steady Augment now correctly adds health to all deployables
Flying Pig Augment now correctly negates all fall damage
Game Improvements
Reworked the in-game Mission system
XP Mission values updated so Game Mode and Support are now quicker to complete
Removed 'Win X Matches' missions as they were incentivizing unbalanced matches
Added new missions for Competitive Matches, the Execution Game Mode and Secondary Objectives
Updated Merc missions to be based around earning the appropriate XP type instead of playing 'X' matches
Clamped a number of video settings to address exploits, such as completely disabling particle effects
Updated the auto-detect settings when the game is first run to apply more appropriate graphics presets (High, Med, Low)
Updated the Competitive Matchmaking algorithm so it spends more time searching for players of closer skill-ratings
User Interface
Added Steam related options to the right click drop down panel on the scoreboard
Updates to the Spectator HUD:
Minimap now increases in size and shows all players with the correct team colors
Chat has been moved to the top left and players names are also correctly colored
Objective HUD is now positioned in the centre
Visual Effects
Improved the visual effects when Phantom is shot while his Refractive Armor is active
Updated the effects when a player is revived with defibs/REVIVR
Updated the REVIVR firing and impact effects
Improved the Katana trail effects
Made the Orbital Strike effects a little more impressive
Updated Skyhammer's Airstrike explosion effects
Added new firing audio for the Blishlok SMG
Tweaked footstep audio volume and falloff to make them more audible
Improved the mix for all weapon audio, including slightly quieter surface impacts
Frag Grenade bounces are now slightly louder when in range
Added exertion audio for Sparks when she is incapacitated or killed
Added glass sounds for large and medium windows
Notable Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where players could be stuck after being revived
Fix for players sometimes not seeing the MM ranking in the game overview screen
Optimized UI code to aid Minimap performance
Removed the silencer from the Selbstadt .40 Pistol icon
Fixed several issues with Mounted Gun audio
– Team Dirty Bomb –