Kills are strategic; K/DR is a vital statistic

(Hortey) #101

[QUOTE=Nail;331472]“When it’s convenient, I help my team.”

wrong answer[/QUOTE]

Yea I have to completely agree, the team needs you most when it’s not convenient.

(H0RSE) #102

Even if kills are/can be strategic, that still doesn’t justify having a KDR stat. KDR doesn’t list how strategic your kills are, or how many strategic kills you had - it simply list a ratio of kills vs deaths.

(ZionDelhamorte) #103

Dont know why so many throw k/d in your face like they rule…lol

(kronus126) #104

Kills are indeed very important in this game. Deaths, on the other hand are not, thats why K/D is is not in the game but kills are tracked. The ratio of kills to deaths means absolutely nothing in this game.

(Cep) #105

OP, wow, way to get this game so wrong.

Brink is a team based FPS, hence your only a good player if you support your team. Killing people, yes does help but that’s something everyone does anyway. A player who sacrifices themselves over and over again to keep an escort objective moving whilst all those K/D state whores are sniper noobing on balconies miles away from anyone are the best players in this game.

Nuff said.

(ZionDelhamorte) #106

[QUOTE=Cep;372577]OP, wow, way to get this game so wrong.

Brink is a team based FPS, hence your only a good player if you support your team. Killing people, yes does help but that’s something everyone does anyway. A player who sacrifices themselves over and over again to keep an escort objective moving whilst all those K/D state whores are sniper noobing on balconies miles away from anyone are the best players in this game.

Nuff said.[/QUOTE]


Yeah what he said lol

(1111) #107

Responding to the original post:
Killing is only a tool to pursue or defend your objectives. It’s only common sense for someone to clear a room before attempting to complete an objective.

It’s easy to sport a high K/D if you shoot people from the sides of the map. However, when someone attempts to complete an objective, he always takes a risk and in Brink that risk has a high reward in terms of XP. It’s just common sense that it’s more effective to only die 5 times instead of 15.

Still, every team needs one or two soldiers focused on killing and sharing ammo, no one can deny that.

No offense, but your only problem seemed to be that you don’t receive a big enough notification for getting most kills and you don’t get your jollies off by getting the most XP.

(wolfnemesis75) #108

[QUOTE=1111;372661]Responding to the original post:
Killing is only a tool to pursue or defend your objectives. It’s only common sense for someone to clear a room before attempting to complete an objective.

It’s easy to sport a high K/D if you shoot people from the sides of the map. However, when someone attempts to complete an objective, he always takes a risk and in Brink that risk has a high reward in terms of XP. It’s just common sense that it’s more effective to only die 5 times instead of 15.

Still, every team needs one or two soldiers focused on killing and sharing ammo, no one can deny that.

No offense, but your only problem seemed to be that you don’t receive a big enough notification for getting most kills and you don’t get your jollies off by getting the most XP.[/QUOTE]I also agree with this. You run the risk with K/D of penalizing the player who is focused on the Objective as the most important goal. Its a dynamic that promotes a team balance. All too often I play with folk on occasion who still get too focused on getting kills; this can lead to a surprise flank by the enemy. Etc. You can rack up kills camping command post areas and waiting on the outskirts of the maps. So, it’d devolve the game if K/DR was to become a factor in people’s approach to the game. :slight_smile:

(Crytiqal) #109

Altho K/D worked fine in ET:QW and W:ET which are still being played

So weird…
Well, the stats site did in ET:QW tho (kills and deaths) and W:ET had it ingame on the scoreboard

(sereNADE) #110

games over the past few years are seemingly worse off for smart players who understand their role in a greater context. i blame both stats and the decline of quality game design. team fortress for quake 1 in the 90’s had better teamplay and clearer understanding for each player in regards to the needs for the team. it wasn’t perfect then but even without voip it was better off than what we are getting into now, which is stat sites linked to our facebook account. cries :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:frowning:

(H0RSE) #111

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;372672]Altho K/D worked fine in ET:QW and W:ET which are still being played

So weird…
Well, the stats site did in ET:QW tho (kills and deaths) and W:ET had it ingame on the scoreboard[/QUOTE]

  1. Both are primarily PC only games. W:ET is exclusively PC only. That excludes a huge portion of the gaming community.
  2. Both came before the Modern Warfare craze, and the massive impact it had on players, their mindsets towards FPS games, and the whole “KDR craze” that followed.

In other words, games and what players expect from them, are a totally different beast from what they were when the ET games came out.

(DarkangelUK) #112

[QUOTE=H0RSE;372688]1. Both are primarily PC only games. W:ET is exclusively PC only. That excludes a huge portion of the gaming community.
2. Both came before the Modern Warfare craze, and the massive impact it had on players, their mindsets towards FPS games, and the whole “KDR craze” that followed.

In other words, games and what players expect from them, are a totally different beast from what they were when the ET games came out.[/QUOTE]
I’d like to counter that by saying the mindset shifted when fps games started gearing towards consoles as it became apparent the those were swiftly becoming the larger market. KD/R was being tracked since RtCW with mods and the servers that used them were very popular. That transferred to W:ET and both those games had websites where the stats were housed and saved for all to see… it certainly wasn’t anything new for the PC when the mainstream CoD’s came along, but it seems it only applies as gaining ground when the mass market embrace it these days… and that’s on the consoles.

(H0RSE) #113

Which goes hand-in-hand with the Modern Warfare craze I mentioned.

(DarkangelUK) #114

Hah yeah ignore me, I guess I just strengthened your point… which I guess is the same view as I have :slight_smile:

(V1cK_dB) #115

Yeah because nobody ever talked about k/d ratios before Modern Warfare sarcasm. Gamers back in the day neeeeever used k/d ratio to taunt other players or use it to claim they were better. That NEEEEVVVEEERRRR happened on PC LMAO. The only reason it seems more prevalent today is because more people play than back when RTCW, W:ET were around.

Not having basic leaderboards is another reason this game has failed. You guys can claim team based game all you want but no leaderboards or good enough progression killed this game just as much as the lag and no lobbies. I also think that saying if there were leaderboards it would kill the game is overblown. Yeah…all of a sudden people would not play the way they are today…oh wait…almost every medic I see 4 ft. from me now doesn’t revive me AND that’s without a leaderboard. Bad players will be bad players and good ones will figure out how to get more kills than deaths…AND find a way to win using teamwork. The bad players will learn from them and eventually will figure it out. That’s how it happens. It’s this Brink fundamentalism that has killed the game. Oh no…not leaderboards. I’m afraid of e-peens! NO LEADERBOARDS EVEN IF IT MEANS THE GAME FAILS!! Mission accomplished huH?

Eeeewwwww…now that I think about it SD failed on so many freaking fronts no wonder only wolfnemesis and his 10 closest friends were the only ones playing this game pre-DLC/weapon tweaks.

(DarkangelUK) #116

In all honesty all I found back then was selfish gameplay rather than e-peen swinging… they cared more about the stat and how to obtain it rather than slapping it in the face of their fellow gamer and taunting them. Maybe the crowd I ran with (RTCWOnline/ was more sensitive to other gamers feelings, but the outright douche-baggery wasn’t as prevalent back then as it is now.

(V1cK_dB) #117

I remember e-peen swinging and I remember it being bad. I however am not afraid of e-peen swinging. So many players I remember joining a server with a good k/d ratio and trying to gloat and then proceed to get owned in the match. That is how I would figure out if their k/d ratio was legit or not. More often than not though if a player had a good k/d ratio…they had a good shot in my experience. I don’t see the big deal with leaderboards. Put them in if it means we get 40% growth in player population. It’s not like we can hear them swing their e-peens anyway because of the off by default VOIP LMAO…oh SD what were you thinking?

(DarkangelUK) #118

Well I guess the exposure is the means to an end, I never experienced that, but back then I was more drawn towards the NA side of gaming rather than EU… which seems even weirder since that’s apparently where you were playing. I was also part of many NA leagues and RTCWOnline and it’s associated servers which had roughly 65,000 members on the forum… and not one swung their peen on the forums or the servers.

(wolfnemesis75) #119

[QUOTE=H0RSE;372695]Which goes hand-in-hand with the Modern Warfare craze I mentioned.[/QUOTE]True. Although, I believe K/DR was always a focus even years before that with games like Unreal Tourn 04 and Halo 2. Something that is ingrained in FPS gaming to a degree, just with mass appeal and expanded gaming, K/DR has come more to the forefront. But was always part of the experience and way one judged themselves against their peers. With prevalence of live, and youtube, there’s just more trash talk to an insane degree. Trash talk has become part of gaming too, but can be a barrier to players who don’t like that type of thing. :slight_smile:

(iezza) #120

its not how much you kill, its WHO you kill. i have devised a formula:

any enemy in an area aroudn the objective(15meters) is a priority kill
anyone doing the objectives is Uber priority kill
anyoen else is not.

you should then have PK/K/D ratio, and that will mean that people with thrive to get to the top, and rewards will be as following

Kill 1 point
priority kill 10 points
uber priority kill 25 points
death -10 points

But now your saying, “wait, this encourages people to wait back and wait for them to come within range!”

more rules: if you get a kill, the death point loss is lost.

now we have a tidy balanced Pk/K/.D