(Gvardman) #41

Let’s make a vote, what fragmoovie is better?

    First, I would say the second, but then I saw the moment @ 1.05 and changed the decision :smiley:

(Velas) #42

[QUOTE=Gvardman;391216]Let’s make a vote, what fragmoovie is better?

    First, I would say the second, but then I saw the moment @ 1.05 and changed the decision :D[/QUOTE]lol i vote the first

(Snotling) #43

Hum…hard to choose…#1 I guess.

(Rex) #44

[QUOTE=Gvardman;391216]Let’s make a vote, what fragmoovie is better?

    First, I would say the second, but then I saw the moment @ 1.05 and changed the decision :D[/QUOTE]

The first one, because the 2nd is just a bad joke.

(Breo) #45

Soundtrack of the first one :tongue:
The effects of the second montage are overkill sry :frowning:

(coldcookie) #46

lol and they call their own server “server of community”…sure… :s

(INF3RN0) #47

I can see why your ban list is so long lmao…

(sereNADE) #48

Went for a ban the other night (it’s a reward greater than supcom) but without voip or sound turned on I had no way of telling if they genuinely liked me or had something a bit heavier to unload into my absent ears. I performed my MCP dance in front of windshield for driver’s pleasure but saw global mics light up for solid 30 seconds. Fun server, 18 slots and everyone plays like first day. :stroggbanana:

The youtube videos (s-kill transitions making second my favorite frag video ever) beg the question, what sort of custom mods or banners would this server run if it knew how? Will we see their clan banner of members in serious military spec for weekend paintball or do we get our fill of custom sh skins and ak’s.

Regardless, it’s a good thing the clan leader has an identifiable assistant… an assistant!

(Gvardman) #49

omg gtfo from my topic…

[QUOTE=sereNADE;391408]everyone plays like first day. :stroggbanana:
Just on the second day people become too strong and get ban :stuck_out_tongue:

(Pliscin-7) #50

yee at least im 3 times on it :smiley:

(fzl) #51

can anyone ban this noobs from “killers clan” from the worl-wide-web?

what a stupid thread…

(sereNADE) #52

Finally earned myself a kick. I’m getting closer and won’t give up.


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Makes a guy wonder Eh :smiley:

(Kl3ppy) #54

4 mins for the first ban, 3 mins for the second, lets see how fast i can get the 3rd one.
Just a lil hint, Antistrogg-DEADGROUP is a good kill :wink:

(sereNADE) #55

YAY I FINALLY MADE THEIR BAN LIST!!! This was important to my ego and prestige as a pub player. 20 kills in 8 minutes on refinery; they deploy mcp finally and I kill 2 of their clan which were poised in the forward spawn and I retake it. As soon as I capture the forward spawn I get banned =D I feel like I have moved up in the world!

(INF3RN0) #56

Possibly more rep earned than winning season 10 of FTML. Top NA list in the works with your name on it.

(sereNADE) #57

2nd account now also banned =] ran into another na player there going for his first ban too.

(Breo) #58

ffs i’m also banned from killers without any reasons -.- any1 unban me?

Я также запрещено убийцами без причины any1 разбанить меня? <- :tongue:

(-YoOne-) #59

I create a account , because i m also banned from killers too without any reason!!!
Can we ban this server , a rank server must be open for all the people and not for a clan???

(Rex) #60

[QUOTE=-YoOne-;396685]I create a account , because i m also banned from killers too without any reason!!!
Can we ban this server , a rank server must be open for all the people and not for a clan???[/QUOTE]

You can’t ban a server. :rolleyes: And as long as they pay for it, they decide who can play there.