Aye, size is 90k
Good points, will see what I can do.
btw…why can’t i use an avatar? it’s 80x55 .jpg and 1,5kb, but forum says avatars must be jpg, gif, png. tried all of them and nothing
What do I need to do with mine?
I was expecting a PM or something. Was it the colouring not liked, or what?
[edit: Best show my last three sigs…(just for your reference)]
Sorry, it’s over two and a half times the combined filesize limit on its own.
Bravo: just a bit too wide, distracting, and it isn’t really relevant to anything here.
Of the three you’ve posted, the middle one is the best.
Ok, I’ll keep em as text sigs then, no problems.
It is relevent insofar as I make 3D models for people to put in their maps y’see