Yeah, I know, it’s a beaten to death topic that probably belongs in weapons discussion but it won’t see the light of day there. TL:DR - DB is a fast paced action shooter with every merc sharing weapons because it means that there’s more reliance on gunplay and skill than there is abilities. All the weapons in DB, specifically whether it’s pistols, smgs, or melee, are made viable.
As time has gone on, more and more people have somewhat believed that the game is just getting spammier, especially with at the time the additions of nader, thunder, and Javelin. However, with Guardian in the mix, that’s a little bit less there, though spam clearly happens still. But for me personally, when it comes to snipers, they never bothered me. The great ones were impressive and could seriously keep a team at bay, and the bad ones… well they were just bad, really bad.
Onto the topic at hand, the changes to machine pistols I don’t think would have bothered me as much IF they were solely kept as secondary weapons… However Sparks and presumably Hunter both use machine pistols as a higher caliber weapon. And the people that use mps and revolvers etc are meant to have more offensive oomf, which originally was why they had access to those weapons (mps, revolvers) instead of the standard selbstadt or m9.
Them nerfing machine pistols to me was basically saying, “nevermind, they weren’t supposed to have as good a sidearm/backup weapon.” 20 rounds on the mp400 only works these days if you’re nailing 80% of your hits on a target. But if you land even one headshot on a revolver that’s 72 damage. It’s… hard… just hard for me to grasp why they did this. I mean, I’m glad the reload changes also made it a little bit more bearable that you run out of ammo soooo dang fast on the MPs now too. But… just think about it, you compare these weapons to the Empire 9 as a base? That gun has been toasted on almost every update I can think of since january of 2017. I literally hate that gun and am not sure how you can claim it’s “over powering” when you have to be in someone’s face for it to actually deal any sizeable amount of damage.
Then you add to that the changes to snipers… Honestly, they’re not terrible. However them adding that pause, is really what killed it for me. And the only reason it really bothers me is because as the TLDR says, DB is fast paced. When you remove the ability for someone to defend themselves with their sidearm or run away or etc, you remove a tremendous power from that merc for simply using a primary weapon. I would have to do math to see how high the DPS on a sniper is, but something tells me that with these added PAUSE moments it’s nowhere near other guns. The second problem which I easily ran into today: I can gun down a kira from one side of trainyard’s last objective near the MG all the way where you run through the little halls after picking up the objective in the middle of the map with a Crotzni. I think there’s a problem. It’s too easy to just use a different gun. Who cares about sniping when you can equal or better performance out of just being able to aim with a different gun? Even the long range draw of a sniper doesn’t matter to me. It just doesn’t feel good, and it ruined Aimee’s playstyle of hit and run. Now she’s fire, wait like a freaked out chicken hoping that no one realized the super obvious vapor trail, and THEN run, or risk dying because you fire another shot.
I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. But I think these changes ruined not only the ability for gunplay and the obvious differences between heavier weapon mercs to matter, but also the playstyle of Aimee completely. In DB, heavier weapons simply meant heavier weapons. Now it’s just… “whatever, I’ll use the Crotzni and Hoch.”