Sad that pre-orderers can’t get public beta before everyone else… we’ve already paid for the game (most of pre-order’ers) but have to sit in line with those who will propably play beta for 20 minutes and then forget
I want my beta key! :moo:
Sad that pre-orderers can’t get public beta before everyone else… we’ve already paid for the game (most of pre-order’ers) but have to sit in line with those who will propably play beta for 20 minutes and then forget
I want my beta key! :moo:
For the record: you paid for the game, not for a beta.
Also, SD doesn’t necessarily get any revenue from pre-orders. Most of the money is kept by the game dealers.
I know i’ve paid for FULL game, not beta, but still… as a 100% costumer I (we) should get first look on the beta imo… because we pay for the final game which depends on BETA outcome… just imo, but still ;(
I agree but also think about it this way. Uve already paid for the game so they got ur money therefore u not as important as others who havent yet decided to buy.
Not that I agree with that or that SD do either, but I think it would come into mind of business people. They are a scourge!
Can someone give a good reason for this? I pre-ordered the game the day it was available, but that does not qualify me to get into the beta?!?!?
You guys want me to give money to fileplanet to play the beta?
I’m actually pretty pissed about this.
There is no other reason than helping out Fileplanet with subscriptions. :lol:
Were you promised to be let into the Beta program when you pre-ordered? No. So how can you complain?
I think you need to differentiate between a beta and a demo. They are two very different things. You don’t get into a beta just because you want to play the game (as I suspect most are, unfortunately).
Do you think it’s a good beta if you get ppl paying a uninvolved third party which paid Activision to get a nice commercial going? “public beta” fp is a public place? o rly?
Release a demo a few weeks earlier but don’t lure fans into spending money on something they don’t really want or need.
It’s not about the money or Fileplanet, really.
It’s about the single fact alone that all the people who want to participate, for whatever reason! That can be serious means to improve the game and also just to play it like a demo. All are ripped off.
All i see is half of the community pissed, and all the testers don’t even know W:ET and whine how shitty etqw is. Way to go.
Just keep the beta closed then.
No one has to pay anyone to participate in the Public Beta. If people want to get a FilePlanet subscription, there are some benefits, but they don’t have to get get a key - that’s why we reserved half of the keys for non-subscribers.
The Beta is a Beta. It’s to help us test the unfinished game. It’s not the Demo, which will be a chunk of the finished game to promote the full version. And you won’t have to pay anyone for that either.
It’s about the basic principle that this is a unnecessary joke, you pull on us for FP.
See it like that:
Huge community that loves your game.
You sell the beta as Fileplanet commercial, who have nothing to do with you or the Game. The fact alone that i give them my email address and sign their EULA. Bah.
Don’t come me with hosting probs. Traffic is peanuts, once you are on that level. FP Forums are horrible and search is broken. There is absolutly no reason you do this other than money.
Or letting Activision take money. Does Activision own Fileplanet? could that be? Why why why should anyone need to deal with them.
There is no possible way for them to track who made a preorder. That was done entirely by the retailers who are also obligated to keep customer purchase records private.
So aside from sending SD a photo of you and your preorder package, there’s no way for SD to verify who took preorders and then send you the beta.
Besides, a beta is about helping the developers debug. It is not some sneak peek preview that means you get have fun playing the game before anyone else.
There is a way to track who preordered. When you got the ingame name registration serial code you ofcourse registered and gave your email address.