Is ET:QW still alive?

(Apples) #21

I still play with my fcin laptop mouse… (you know the ones at $3…) and as long as I’m in coli’s team its ok.

(Ashog) #22

apples, stop being greedy! u got teh moneyz now!

go and buy some cheap razer **** (u r too nooby for teh logitech leet techs)

oh… and keel your dog btw

(edxot) #23

alive ?

if you start playing it, you will never want to stop.

but be sure you have 3 skills: 1)teamwork, 2)gamming hardware and 3) bit programming.

  1. … no coments on this one
  2. hardware - max priority to: mouse, pousepad, display and headphones. other ones can be important but also more expensive not justifying the extra money:motherboard, cpu, gpu, memory and sound card.
  3. you will have to be able to edit and keep a text file (or set of textfiles) with your config. text files containning commands to make the game behave diferent.

if you can do all these 3, in 3 years or more you will be still playing the game, and still wondering about the best way to play some map/situations in it. because 5 classes times lots of diferent vehicles makes so many alternatives. meaning you wont see 2 equal games.

(brbrbr) #24

just overpaid competitors promoter, i guess.
whining/trolling anywhere [they think]they can.

(light_sh4v0r) #25

Just played 2 maps with a friend, and had much more fun that I’ve had in Brink yet. Expect to see me on more :slight_smile:

(Apples) #26

Had duper games on bh, even if I lag as ****

(light_sh4v0r) #27

Yep, had lagspikes of several seconds every minute or so, but that still keeps ETQW miles ahead of Brink.
Got a whole number of noscope railgunkills too, I really missed that :smiley:

(Rex) #28

[QUOTE=edxot;337663]alive ?

if you start playing it, you will never want to stop.

but be sure you have 3 skills: 1)teamwork, 2)gamming hardware and 3) bit programming.

  1. … no coments on this one
  2. hardware - max priority to: mouse, pousepad, display and headphones. other ones can be important but also more expensive not justifying the extra money:motherboard, cpu, gpu, memory and sound card.
  3. you will have to be able to edit and keep a text file (or set of textfiles) with your config. text files containning commands to make the game behave diferent.

if you can do all these 3, in 3 years or more you will be still playing the game, and still wondering about the best way to play some map/situations in it. because 5 classes times lots of diferent vehicles makes so many alternatives. meaning you wont see 2 equal games.[/QUOTE]

WOW! :eek: Where do you get this huge knowledge?

(Kalbuth) #29

The non-1-hit-kill grenades of Brink spoiled me. I rage-quitted last time I connected on same server as Apples, after struggling with my badly done control schemes and being hit by nade spam :frowning:
Other than that, still the same good ol’ ETQW

(dazman76) #30

I’ll be firing up ET:QW again next week and looking for some games - I hope to see you guys there :slight_smile: Prepare for utter noobness and maybe the odd stroyent cell/revive. For the Makron!


(edxot) #31

they flame in terror

(DrFunkenstein) #32

There is no lag on our server, lag is just a state of mind, and games on our server are always duper. Unless they aren’t of course.

Welcome back :slight_smile: .

Dr. Funkenstein

(Aristotle) #33

Yeah you got to see me fail at close range sniping too. Though, it’s been months since I have played QW, but still, I did horrible.

(Verticae) #34

I sucked royally today - though I got most kills on every full map I played </brag> :smiley:

Also, go add ‘vrt’. I completely forgot the password to my ‘verticae’ account :o

(Aristotle) #35

[QUOTE=Verticae;341238]I sucked royally today - though I got most kills on every full map I played </brag> :smiley:

Also, go add ‘vrt’. I completely forgot the password to my ‘verticae’ account :o[/QUOTE]

Did you lose your CD key as well?

(Verticae) #36

'Fraid so.

(Dthy) #37

[QUOTE=Verticae;341238]I sucked royally today - though I got most kills on every full map I played </brag> :smiley:

Also, go add ‘vrt’. I completely forgot the password to my ‘verticae’ account :o[/QUOTE]

You can reset the password for an online account. On start up do:

Create User -> Reset password for an exsisting account -> Enter your shizz



Just saw that you lost your CD key :frowning:

(Verticae) #38

Derp. Of course, I could also look more closely. Found it. >.>

(tokamak) #39

It’s a shame it’s from a different publisher, otherwise SD could give every Brink player a free copy of ETQW to pass the time while Brink is fixed. That would be a publicity stunt supreme.

(Verticae) #40

Got a few rounds in together with Dthwsh just yet, quite some buttkicking involved :smiley:

And I still can’t throw a proper nade.