Ip Ban

(Domagoj) #1

Hello, Ive got sum cheaters problem on my server :D, basiclly they are nearly always no guided, so banning them is useless, so I was wondering is there maybe such a thing as ip ban and how to do it? Thx

(Ruben0s) #2

I will try to explain it. I guess you host your server at YCN.

You can manually IPban them with RCON, but because the server restarts every day all your IPbans will get lost.

/rcon password addip (ip of the cheater)

However if you want to have them banned forever:

You have to create a config file at YCN control panel and put it inside the JAYMOD folder ( this is the easiest way). And call it something like IPbans.cfg

In the file you put the IP’s of all the cheaters, so inside the IPbans.cfg you write:

addip 92.23.454 (as example).

Now you only have to add: exec IPbans.cfg in your server config file, so when the server restarts all the IPbans will get applied again.

Picture that shows all the locations

Explanation :
left up: inside the JAYMOD folder of your server, where you have to create a cfg for the IPbans
left down: The IP’s of cheaters inside the IPbans.cfg
right up: config file of your server where you have to add the command exec “IPbans.cfg”
right down: inside the server.cfg, where you have to add exec “name of the config with all the ipbans”.

be aware that you can only ban 20 IP’s maximum.

How can I see if it works?

write /rcon password g_banips in console and it will show all the IP’s that are banned. Remember that you have to add every IP of a cheater inside the IPban config.

This is what you have to get:

greetings .WAR|Ruben0s.

(Domagoj) #3

thank you my friend :D, but do i need to add g_filterBan 1 in my cfg?

(Ruben0s) #4

You don’t have to. I never did it and it works perfectly.

(Smurfer) #5

Nice, Ruben0s. :smiley:

You could also run an etpub 1.0.0 server :smiley: It bans with guid, ip and now also MAC. I’ve tested and tested it, and it totally works. I ban myself while I have no guid, I change the MAC in shrubbot, I am still banned by IP. I do the same for guid and MAC. No GUID issues, everything works.

Then you can go and download the source and add a trumpet-gun that shoots flower-mines. Hail etpub!

(Domagoj) #6

haha bastard cool :smiley:

(hellreturn) #7

I wish Jaybird would fix all this issues or give someone source who can fix this issues and carry on with development. This no GUID users are pain in da butt… but we tend to ban them using machine firewall.

(Domagoj) #8

yea would be great if someone would continue with jaymod realases or atleast to fix this guid problem, like is fixed in silent mod, after all, jaymod is the most popular mod in ET on public server.