Internet connection

(Scared) #1

well isnt that great, the search is down, so i hope this hasnt been asked before :bash:

im a little conserened that im not going to be able to play ET: QW. i have played every game so far that has been released on the Doom3 engine [Doom3, Quake4 and the Prey demo] and all 3 of them seem to be…lacking in the online area. Mainly not wanting to work on my 256/64 DSL internet connection.

ive read about QW having revised the net code and everything, and i hope that its true. going from a game with max 8 players to 32 should mean that there have been some big improvements in the engine.

so basically, my question is. Will i be able to rin Enemy Territory: Quake Wars on my 256k/64k ADSL internet connection [on local servers of cause] with acceptable ping

cheers guys

(B0rsuk) #2

Read the stickes.

(Scared) #3

i did. i went through every page on every stick and searched for the word ‘internet’ and got nothing regaurding my question. that is why i posted a new topic.

(cmos) #4

Ping and bandwidth isnt the same thing, you can have a lower bandwidth with better ping.
Depends on how close you are to the nearest station and server.

(kamikazee) #5

I hope the devs check the online play… If id would host a server, they probably could test it.

(DG) #6

Cant imagine them doing a thing like that :wink:

(ouroboro) #7

Yeah. Splash Damage are a bunch of bastards who care nothing for online play.

Oh wait, they’ve only released multiplayer products. Silly me.

Let’s see, they’ve done an online total conversion (Q3F), multiplayer maps for online games (RtCW, D3), a hugely popular (top 5 in the world), free standalone muliplayer-only game (W:ET), and now they’re finally going to get a serious payday with ET:QW…

Gee, do you think they intend to make another great product, or simply blow off their biggest opportunity?

I think they’re probably just as paranoid as you are about seeing this thing done right. But I’m just guessing. :wink:

(Wils) #8

hides sloppily transcribed plans to blow off biggest opportunity

We’re very aware that this game needs an awful lot of multiplayer testing, especially online. Wolf ET got a lot of testing anyway, but it didn’t need it so much because it was based on RTCW/Q3 and was already proven, as it were.

(Fab) #9

Well if the game needs testing, you need testers. Right?.. :nod: :nag:

(ouroboro) #10

The interaction between those two smileys in your post is surprisingly hypnotic…

(SCDS_reyalP) #11

:nag: says mptest :nod: agrees!

(Ramouzm) #12

lol DG , nice avator

(kamikazee) #13

We 've seen that one for quite some time, still looks as good. :smiley:

(DG) #14

playtesting skillz > image skillz, honest guv


(Svanire) #15

I’m DG’s manservant so I demand to come to keep the master well fed while he plays QW.

(DG) #16

sorry i dont go in for that kind of thing. :eek2:

got a sister?

(Shanks) #17

I have photographs that suggest otherwise :eek3: