My Brink review was very critical. I tried to be constructive. In compare with Black Ops or BFBC2, Brink is still goddamn good game.
cider? how you guys can drink this apple wine…
beer is alwaaaays better, real lager beer.
ETQW was a finished product from the start so yeah, Brink still has yet to live up to my expectations.
Some really minor glitches but perfectly playable from the start. Brink is not perfectly playable from the start.
Awful hit detection, unbalanced weapons, no vehicle horn underwater, yeah perfectly playable…
None of that bugged me in the slightest. Where as the crappy performance, the bizarro grid, the lack of sound, random crashes and TRULY unbalanced weapons make Brink a frustrating affair.
There’s a difference between the game not being balanced and the game not working properly. Playing an unbalanced game can still be fun and at least give you the idea you got what you paid for. Playing a game with ~20 fps is never fun, as balanced as it may be.
ETQW’s only issue was the way Strogg could block the Slipgate exit. The shotgun could be a bit stronger but that’s where it stops, the game is amazing.
I remember people complaining about lag, poor performance and, infamously, “the flaw” where the sceen has some very subtle but annoying tearing, even on hardware which wasn’t available back at the time.