Ingame advertisement?

(ParanoiD) #1

As you know, BF2142 has ingame advertising on billboards etc. There is a chance that ETQW will have the same system ofcourse. Still (maybe some one else found out yet) I have found something interesting in one of the leaked screenshots:

<link removed>

As you see on the right there is an SD logo. Seems that companies can advertise on those, but SD still doesn’t have any sponsors… Still I don’t think it would bother me as it is still hidden a bit and you are running through a city.

(bartreligion) #2

isn’t it so that leaked screens shouldn’t be posted? :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, there’s no reason to assume there will be in-game advertisements, it’s not a coca cola sign or something.

(SpankMuffin) #3

As long as ads in games aren’t huge, distracting, or detracting from gameplay, I have never really had much of a problem with ingame ads. I ignore them just like I ignore ads IRL.

If, however, the loading screen for joining a server or loading a map is a giant “DRINK COKE AND YOU TOO CAN DEFEAT THE STROGG!” then I’ll get a little annoyed.

(bartreligion) #4

that sounds pretty funny actually :lol:

like a parody on BF2142 ads :smiley:

(Mutley_NoSkill) #5

2142 had EA/Dice adverts before they got the Discovery Channel and Intel advertising on them.

Companies wouldn’t be paying for advertising if the game isn’t released. This could very well be a sign it does have in game advertising.

First negative to the game. Adverts suck.

(Dangles91) #6

yay for Australia, the ads are illegal. yay

(ayatollah) #7

You really shouldn’t be posting leaked screenshots…

(ParanoiD) #8

And why not? SInce everybody has probably seen em as they are like 2 months old? They are everywhere on teh web. We know it, SD knows it and nobody can stop it except teh swedisch site by putting it offline… My post would even be useless without the “proof”.

(Joe999) #9

how would you feel if i steal something from you and rub it under your nose?

(ParanoiD) #10

Not cool ^^. Still, this has been copied (you cant call it stealing as the owner still has teh original). FOr the rest, read my previouw post again. Like SD doesn’t know this, like we never seen pics like these. What should I do? Photoshop it and post only teh SD ingame advertisement without the hud etc?

(Joe999) #11

maybe not post it at all? and btw it is stealing

(IBegYouDontBecomeEA) #12

if this is true we see now that SD is not for the gamers at all anymore… ingames ADs plus the “ranked” and unranked server to split the gamers… i’ll be waiting for the white slip in my game box telling us they screwed us like EA

(ayatollah) #13


(IBegYouDontBecomeEA) #14


Nice 1 word constructive post :roll: spam for post points much? :lol:

(Basic) #15

firstly I dont think you should be posting screenshots of closed beta more due to the fact you would have had to agree with ID/Activision Terms.

but my views on ingame ads are.

if the game is free = cool ad the hell outta the game
if the game costs the player = not cool. I paid for the game why do I have to be bombarded with ads.

But like ranked servers, game companies are looking for other ways to gain ‘extra’ not ‘alternitive’ incomes from the games they produce and I think that just sucks.

however in regards to the beta level that was posted I dont think it confims in game ads. and in BF2 there where DICE billboards in the game. the level may have not been finished yet, or maybe splash damaged HQ features in it who knows at this point.

(Joe999) #16


Nice 1 word constructive post :roll: spam for post points much? :lol:[/quote]

tbh i actually didn’t even read it as offense :roll:

(kamikazee) #17

JC should really start to code some watermarking system on screenshots…