Improvements for BattleStrogg Galactica

(taw_m0nsta) #1

After playing EU Battlestar Galactica Online for a few weeks, I got the BattleStrogg map on my screen since months, and still perfer the ETQW gameplay and fun on this map. Also really like the HQ earth atmosphere texture. While playing, it got on some ideas on how to improve this map, just hear me out and feel free to add some feedback. (we maybe can get the map creator interested! :infiltrator:)

  • GDF Space outfits.
    Typical human white spaceoutfits with helmets (I have the default outfit textures, can give it a try)
    And maybe 1 in orange outfit

  • Lower gravity and higher jump height

  • Less vacum damage, so it becomes easier and more interesting to jump out your Anansie and start rocket spamming from the planets.

  • Artillery, Turrent, Supplygrate deployments for GDF
    So after taking down Strogg radars and AVTs GDF can deploy also on those spots

  • No Strogg turrets on planets by default.
    So now Strogg also has a reason to jump out the Tormentor and setup defenses

  • Hide airplanes when dropping something (would look a bit award)

  • No map time, it only restarts the map when the mothership is taken down.

  • Extra vehicle reward(s) by adding GDF/Strogg Base turrets on the annansie and torrmentor (they have autoaim). Depending on the amount of rewards the defence turret can do damage from a longer distance.

  • (multiple) Spawn locations on the planets with unlimited spawning vehicles

  • Some extra sound samples (for example Telephone sound effect for the Commander with some NASA background sounds)

Ideas that will take months/years:

  • On the spaceoutfits a Turbo booster or jumppads on planets

  • a GDF Platform that Strogg needs to take down and win the map
    So its becomes kinda like Baserace

  • XP Safe forever server (yeh probably not then…) But maybe if we can remove the time limit from the map… Its good enough I think if you can collect and safe all your rewards within the time you are playing+when the map is won or not. So when its not taken down (map not restarted), you would still have your XP.

24/7 Public Custom Server (32players) (TAW can host this)

Changed the gravity and friction a bit, I now managed to jump on 3 planets with 1 life. Sides of planets is still tricky from being not turned inside out.

(taw_m0nsta) #2

[QUOTE=taw_m0nsta;377528]After playing EU Battlestar Galactica Online for a few weeks, I got the BattleStrogg map on my screen since months, and still perfer the ETQW gameplay and fun on this map. Also really like the HQ earth atmosphere texture. While playing, it got on some ideas on how to improve this map, just hear me out and feel free to add some feedback. (we maybe can get the map creator interested! :infiltrator:)

  • GDF Space outfits.
    Typical human white spaceoutfits with helmets (I have the default outfit textures, can give it a try)
    And maybe 1 in orange outfit

  • Lower gravity and higher jump height

  • Less vacum damage, so it becomes easier and more interesting to jump out your Anansie and start rocket spamming from the planets. So far I managed to change the gravity and jumpheight, I gues its something to do with the friction the kills me as soon as I jump?)

  • Artillery, Turrent, Supplygrate deployments for GDF
    So after taking down Strogg radars and AVTs GDF can deploy also on those spots

  • No Strogg turrets on planets by default.
    So now Strogg also has a reason to jump out the Tormentor and setup defenses

  • Hide airplanes when dropping something (would look a bit award)

  • No map time, it only restarts the map when the mothership is taken down.

  • Extra vehicle reward(s) by adding GDF/Strogg Base turrets on the annansie and torrmentor (they have autoaim). Depending on the amount of rewards the defence turret can do damage from a longer distance.

  • (multiple) Spawn locations on the planets with unlimited spawning vehicles

  • Some extra sound samples (for example Telephone sound effect for the Commander with some NASA background sounds)

Ideas that will take months/years:

  • On the spaceoutfits a Turbo booster or jumppads on planets

  • a GDF Platform that Strogg needs to take down and win the map
    So its becomes kinda like Baserace

  • XP Safe forever server (yeh probably not then…) But maybe if we can remove the time limit from the map… Its good enough I think if you can collect and safe all your rewards within the time you are playing+when the map is won or not. So when its not taken down (map not restarted), you would still have your XP.

24/7 Public Custom Server (32players) (TAW can host this)[/QUOTE]

Fixed the friction and vacum damage a bit. Sides of planets are still tricky, but so far I managed to jump on 3 planets with 1 life.

(Apples) #3

The thing I would like the most is this map not getting me seasick or headache each time I play it… Happens on NO other map ever since I started playing videogames, dont know why it makes me feel like I was in a laundry machine… Maybe the background is weird… I ont know, all I know is I literaly cant play this map.


(Runeforce) #4

That’s funny. I only get seasick when I watch someone else play a FPS. I don’t get seasick being behind the controls, ever since I switched from keyboard to keyboard+mouse. I do get seasick when playing with a Joypad though.

(taw_m0nsta) #5

Maybe it has something to do with the top and bottom atmosphere texture, these are pretty much fully black… (sides are easy to recognize for driving the right way)

(light_sh4v0r) #6

I get the same experience but I love it, you can really lose track of what’s up and what’s down which I love :slight_smile:

(Violator) #7

It is a fun map in the style of the classic game Descent. That used to induce feelings of disorientation but was a great game.