I'm on Vista - Downgrade to XP or Upgrade to Windows 7 for ETQW?

(Ashog) #21

you two are worth of each other lol :slight_smile:

(Crytiqal) #22

Just don’t try to make sense of his posts :wink:

(Slade05) #23

“incremental updates fro Vista made me boring.”

And where is Apples with his quote mania when you need him, huh?

(Apples) #24

Here ya go, cant be everywhere…

(Tomzi) #25


I have just yesterday sucessfully installed Quake Wars on my Windows 7 64 bit system and it works flawless, BUT you HAVE TO install it (the setup file) and start it (the exe file) with “windows xp sp2” compatibility and with administrator rights, same goes for quake 4 (otherwise i kept getting loading screen errors).

In any case I’d recommend you to upgrade to Win 7 and not to Vista, since from what I have heard Vista doesn’t have a “Windows xp sp2” compatibility option, which comes in very handy when installing & playing games older than 3+ years.


(murka) #26

No you don’t, unless you install to a path where you don’t have permission. xp compatibility isn’t required at all.

(Dthy) #27

Im on vista, all i did was insert the disk, install, update, and fragged.

(Tomzi) #28

Oh, ok, nevermind then :o Well, Quake Wars should work with no problems, but when i first installed Quake 4 without windows xp compatibility, the splash loading screen was botched and i had some visual bugs. After that i searched the internets for about 20 min to find a hint to change it to XP compatibility, so when i installed QW i did the same, just to be on the safe side :wink: Just thought i’d mention it in case someone would need the info, but if it works without it, then there’s no problem.