I know where Rahdo went!

(tokamak) #1

Sneaky bastards. Telling us he retired while he actually quit his previous job to star in the new Tarantino movie.


(Loffy) #2

New adventures in Rahdo land

(Now, where’s Wils and Sock?)

(Breo) #3

Rahdo come back and work on Dirty Bomb :stroggtapir:

(Pytox) #4

[QUOTE=Loffy;436105]New adventures in Rahdo land

Nice find, I have now subscribed to Mr Rahdo

(Nail) #5

and here I thought he’d moved to Malta

(INF3RN0) #6

Lots of people have beards…

(light_sh4v0r) #7

lol xD

(DarkangelUK) #8

Does that mean when he shaved his beard he was a Jew murdering German? :o

(Loffy) #9

Nice catch Tokamak.

Paul Wedgwood approves

(wolfnemesis75) #10

I saw a movie poster he was in too! Very sneaky.