Copypasta from another thread I posted in
After playing Hunter for the weekend I’ve determined:
The crossbow is strong when charged but really difficult to hit with. The game is just too fast to really use projectile prediction weapons. Not saying it can’t be done, it’s just difficult. I got used to the drop over distance pretty quick though. He’s also a pretty bad spotter, and using the crossbow without charging your shots is pointless.
His primary is really strong, stronger than most primaries or so it feels. Only problem is it only has 18 shots, so unless you’re hitting 60%+ accuracy, you’re going to need to reload before you kill a full HP merc. It’s also a close - mid range weapon, which makes sense. It’s useless at range but you’re supposed to use the crossbow obviously.
His secondary is nothing special. It looks neat, sounds neat, but it’s just like any other pistol.
The hit recognition on his melee is god awful.
His emp isn’t very useful in most situations. It flat out shuts off Bushy and Turtle but that’s really it. I would like it a lot more if it had a sustained EMP effect; many times I found myself trying to counter Fletchers and Proxies. It’d be really nice when you’re going up against a team of them and you could dunk an EMP bolt down and effectively temporarily shut off incoming mines and stickies. As it is now, unless the mine or sticky is already on the ground when the EMP goes off, it won’t be disabled.
Give him two special arrows; EMP bolt and spot bolt. Spotting with Hunter is pretty worthless; it’s hard enough to hit players that it makes him an unreliable spotter. However, shooting a bolt into the wall to reveal enemies in the area would be nice. I don’t mean like Aimee, which has a sustained spotting. It would work like EMP bolts do now; on impact, it would spot all enemies in a certain radius in a burst. The cooldown could be short, too; 5 seconds or so, to put him on par with the sustained spotting mercs like Vas and Aimee.
Change the EMP bolt to have a sustained disabling effect, disabling all new devices for as long as the bolt is on the ground. The bolt should be strictly better than Phantom’s EMP burst. I dunno if this works currently, but you should make the EMP burst disable Phantom’s cloaking, and immediately decloak him, too.
On the line of EMP, give him 80exp per device disabled, instead of 100exp for disabling anything. How it is now is if you disable nothing, you get 20xp for shooting. If you disable a health station, you get 20xp + 100xp for disabling. If you disable a health station, ammo station, some proxy mine, and a turret, you get 20xp + 100xp for disabling. It should be 20xp + 320xp (80 * 4) in that situation.
Bump his primary ammo magazine capacity to 25 at minimum. 30 would be better, but I can understand 25.
Make him faster, he’s too slow. He should be able to chase down most mercs.
Fix the damn hit recognition on that melee, or at least make the effective area larger. It feels really inconsistent.