Still… after seing all the goodies from the upcoming game… i still wonder if i’ll ever convert from ET/RTCW.
Since i first plugged a decent computer (that could actually pull a 3d game) to the internet , i played rtcw ever since…nad every time i try a new mp-fps, its just totally bullocks (compared to ET/RTCW) … in most games you feel like a brick trying to walk around, and jumping is just something you do …when its absolutely necesary…
Quake 3 is the ONLY game ive experienced that has some of the things i like… (pretty natural since rtcw/et are ancesters of that engine… )… anywyas… after playing only rtcw/et…q3 is way too fast … but on the other hand…if i had no alternative…i think i would go play q3
(ps i havent tried all the games in the world, and i beleive UT have some pretty cool action elements too… it had in UTtournament atleast, which was pretty cool too)…
best hopes for QW…i wish it will become my new favorite… cause i relly need to move along
OT: of pure interest i’d like to know, infact HOW original rtcw was… i’m thinking of the teamplay/classes idea, and the way theyre incoporated with missions and such, did anyone do that before?
I would still claim that rtcw was a breaker, and today one of the most succesfull mpfps concepts ever made…, which alot of games now try to replicate…yeah yeah… u have a medic that can revive…and a engi that can plant… somehow…its just not the same… its very weird… cause im normally totally openminded about things… but when it comes to mpfps theres only one thing… or two infact …RTCW and ET =D