Horrible framerate

(baggiez) #1

I installed the Quake Wars beta and started playing yesterday (I didn’t get chance to play pre-patch)

My computer specs are:

CPU: Intel Core Duo 2.33 Ghz
HD: 120GB 7400rpm
Monitor: 19" Ultrascreen
Mouse: Logitech MX510
Mousepad: Arctic eSports Qpad
Graphics: nVidia Geforce 9700GTX
Memory: 2GB DDR2 RAM

On default config - when I first begin the game - I get a whopping 10fps in-game. I have lowered every setting to low and I get the same 10fps. I have tried putting every setting on maximum and get the same 10fps.

I have unlocked my maxfps in my config
I have installed the latest graphics drivers
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game several times

Is this a well known problem? Anyone have a solution?

Thanks, Baggiez

(M8DNanite) #2

Strange i have very similar system only overclocked 3.3GHz Core2Duo (even using QPad too ;)) and fps I have capped to 90 and its there most of the time.
Using 1280x1024 and gfx settings high.

Maybe you have some performance throtling enabled in bios? 8800 series card u have to set ‘single monitor 3d’ or something, check that too.

My 3Dmark06 is around 6800 points (5800 with not overclocked).
Maybe we need to compare also some OpenGl benchmark?

(baggiez) #3

You’ll have to forgive my ignorance, because I’m not really sure how to do or check any of the things you listed.

I’m used to simple solutions not openGl benchmarks :smiley:

Is there anyway you could step me through this?

(DarkangelUK) #4

I believe this is a general graphics card problem with the newer nvidia drivers. These drivers auto set multiple display performance mode by default, you have to manually set it to single display.

The way to fix it is open the driver options, go to 3D settings> manage 3D settings> Global settings and set Multiple graphics card acceleration to Single display performance mode.

(baggiez) #5

You were right. But it hasn’t changed anything :stuck_out_tongue:

My settings were to multiple display, so I changed it so single … but I still have 10fps

(obsidian) #6

Did you install any software/hardware lately? Do you notice any problems with other games? Check your CPU idle load and memory usage in Task Manager. What OS?

Really… did you have to list your mousepad under your computer specs?

(baggiez) #7

lol sorry about listing my mousepad, I copied and pasted it from a website where I’ve listed all of my specs :stuck_out_tongue:

I close all other programs and my task manager says everything is fine. I can run any other game fine on top settings, including Colin McRae DiRT, which will strain any system.

(iwound) #8

Mousepad: Arctic eSports Qpad <-- does not meet min requirments -

Driver details please.

(M8DNanite) #9

QPad goes over the maxspecs :twisted:

Run 3dmark06 just to test if you get similar score to check roughly if u have properly working machine.

(minkee) #10

I had that whole punkbuster problem - and also horrible framerate to go with it. Have you stayed on a server long enough (3-5 minutes) to know if you have that same error?

Fixing the pb problem will solve it, if so.

(baggiez) #11

I’ve stayed on a server for a while and it hasn’t picked up.

What’s this PB problem you had? Why did it affect your FPS? How did you resolve it?

(baggiez) #12


(baggiez) #13
