High Command yell messages how?

(Ruldolph) #1

The auto high command messages that a few servers have going e.g TAW. how do u do them cause i cant find any command to do it. Im guessing it would be on the old forums but we all know where that went :frowning:

But the problem is that my clan dont have accses to the files due to the agreement we have with our GSP. but we can put commands through using QW Power admin. so is there any possible way to make these messages through power admin. Any help is much appreciated

[MCE] Ruldolph ‘Tapir Fan’ :stroggtapir::stroggtapir:

(AnthonyDa) #2

Irc copy/paste :

17:55:52] <AnthonyDa> Ruldolph: it’s probably punkbuster message
[17:57:07] look at pb_sv_task
[17:58:11] pb_sv_task “55” 1200 “say 'hello”
should print “hello” every 1200 s and at 55s after you start it, so if you want to print a 2n message put
pb_sv_task “60” 1200 “say 'hello2” it will print message “hello”, then “hello2” 5s later

(Ruldolph) #3

cheers anthony :smiley:

(Susefreak) #4

You can do it in two ways:
1: Show PB saying it:
pb_sv_task 180 600 “say ‘No cheating, glitching, exploiting tolerated!’”
2: Show high command [gdf], Nexus [strogg], server [spec] saying it
g_banner_1 “’^1message1’”
g_banner_2 “’^1message2’”
g_banner_3 “’^1message3’”
g_banner_delay “10”
g_banner_loopdelay “20”

I suggest using the messages in a differenct .cfg than your server.cfg. Just add at the end of your server.cfg the line: exec banners.cfg

Create a banners.cfg in your base and then store the commands and messages you want to display in there.

(BandwidthBandit) #5

Pretty sure banner messages are broken, PB is the only simple way to do it, there was a third party program for windows servers that would inject messages, but I have not tried it myself. On the ADA server (soon to shut down unfortunately) we use PB messages to spam erm I mean inform players of ADA news and server rules.