Hi, don't sell out like EA did (in game advertising)

(ouroboro) #81

sw_goldrush_te FTW. Although I’m ashamed to admit that to this day I don’t know Resurrection inside out the way I do most of the other popular ET maps. It always seemed so overwhelming, I just followed teammates who looked like they weren’t lost. :slight_smile:

Anyway, have you tried WarRock, Rivr? I never tried the vehicle modes, but the infantry mode is very intuitive for an ET player. I only played it on and off for about a week but I’ll probably get back into it a bit.

(RivrStyx) #82

I wasn’t demanding …it was called joking around. If i needed a fix that bad for as long as QWs is taking i’d have slit my wrists by now. Don’t think i’ve posted anywhere crying for QWs release to be called a fool. To me fools are gamers that never move on and stay in the same game forever because <insert reason>… theres still Q1 players out there. I’ve played ET from the beginning which is my point. It is the best game out there, as RTCW was before it and Q3 before it, and Q2 before it… but its gotten tired and hacked out the ying yang like those before it. Theres a point where some players just want to move on to something fresh. Just trying new games to hold me over.

ouro…Nope haven’t tried WarRock…but i will look into it. Anything at this point. Maybe the Simms :slight_smile:

Hey there Ifurita… good to see you’re still kicking

(SCDS_reyalP) #83

Maybe theaters are different where you live, but here we get 10+ minutes of previews AND ads. Then you watch a movie full of product placements :slight_smile:

Regarding sports, ticket sales are a huge (primary?) moneymaker. Yes they make money from ads, (I try to ignore those damned rotating banners behind the batter’s box), but sports would still exist and thrive on ticket sales alone.

AFAIK, corporate sponsorships FAR outweigh ticket sales in pretty much every major sporting event. Certainly most motorsports wouldn’t exist in anything like their current form. Note I said their current form in my previous post too. No doubt if all sponsorship went a away, people would still race at the local dirt track, and still play ball at the local park. Whether there would be F1 or world cup is a different question.

Many websites are merely advertisements themselves; they exist as another vehicle to show your widgets to potential customers. Those sites that actually have valuable content are either paid affairs, or are maintained out of love by individuals.

Like google, or any number of news or tech sites :stuck_out_tongue:

I can think of quite a interesting/useful websites that support pay their bills on adverts. Ones that survive on donations alone are much rarer.

And, just as charitable donations outperform taxation as a way to help the needy, a PayPal button on a small independent website is usually better than lacing the site with popups and porn banners.

That’s an unproven assertion, not a fact. In reality, there is almost certainly more variation between individual cases on either side than there is between the two methods. Some tax based programs are very good, some charities are garbage… and vice-versa.

(shadrach) #84

Making good games is an art. When ads co-opt art absurdly out of context to sell a product, for example when that Nike commercial used the song Revolution it was like Michael Jackson danced on John Lennon’s grave, a terrible thing. When art co-opts ads, also absurdly out of context it likewise cheapens the concept of what art is supposed to be. The two ain’t supposed to mix. It should come down to whether developers consider their games art or not.

On the other hand the market’s flooded, the competition for gamers’ attention is insane w/platforms multiplying all over the place, and it’s inevitable almost that this stuff would happen as a way for game companies to hedge their bets.
Here’s hoping the ET/Quake lineage will continue following the example of Neil Young.:drink:

(haktrix) #85

Ad placement in games is the future so get used to it
If i owned/MD of EA,SD,ID you have 1 thing on your mind money most of the executives dont even know wot a game is yh i know SD is probably differant they seem more intouch with the gaming community,
But if you made a product and could get payed to put a few ad’s on it even if the product didnt sell well u would still regenerate some of the cost for making it you have to look at it from the companies point of view.
Would you ask sky/cable to lower the cost cause you see ad’s on the channels?
in England we have BBC TV/RADIO witch have no ad’s we have to pay for them cause of that in form of TV Lisence, id rather have AD’s than be charged extra for the company to roll in more money and yeh you have to pay this even if you dont watch these channels you have to have it just for having a TV in your home.

I agree tho ad’s need to blend with the enviroment but most that i have seen do if not it makes the map look crap and then derives from the gameplay.

(ouroboro) #86

God you love to nit-pick, reyalP. Just admit it: motherfucking ads suck motherfucking cocks in motherfucking hell. You know you agree. If agreeing with me is painful for some reason, just pretend I’m someone you respect, stand quietly in the corner, and nod. :twisted:

Sadly, you’re probably right. And yes, people will eventually get used to them. Like Valve said (paraphrasing), “it is our hope that new players will simply accept the ads as a normal part of the game.” But just because we can get used to something doesn’t mean it was ever the right thing to do.

“These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalized.” --Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding, Shawshank Prison

(Nail) #87

Hmmm, don’t think he’s nit picking or saying ads are good. More like pointing out the fallacy of your “no need for ads” approach, hell, Little League Teams need sponsors to defray costs. Pro Teams, boy howdy, you wanna take care of A-Rod ? He went from $ 442,334/yr in 96 (not bad money at that) to $26,000,000 in 05 with the MLB salary average at over $2.2 million per player. Without TV and it’s revenue, “Sports” as we know them would vanish, leaving thousands and thousands of steroid enhaced unemployed people to survive any way they could, not a pretty sight

(Joe999) #88

there’s a very big conflict in this, mostly as it’s coming from you.

you mention the word “respect” quite frequently in your recent outbursts. how about showing some?

to stay on topic: there are several reasons that speak for ads in games. eg:

  • give ad-spot to the server hoster, i’d gladly accept them on my favorite server in order to finance it
  • ads during league matches to finance the league & prices
  • ads in additional official maps of my favorite game (given they are free)

besides it all depends on how it’s done, whether it’s decent and integrates or if it’s aggressive and ruins the game

(Gringo) #89

No ad’s for me. I hate em and they annoy my happiness and I especially hate those people who work in the industry and dream up the nonsense that we see on our tv sets daily.

(ayatollah) #90

You mean them crap property shows? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Stone) #91

<wankel> i think high-end computer hardware manufacturers should have to pay an extra tax, which gets sent to the game developers. we all know that people who pirate video games spend their savings buying fancy computers.

(Gringo) #92

You mean them crap property shows? :P[/quote]

No i mean the people who make adverts that make no sense and tell u nothing about the product eg, almost all car adverts. They should have their throats ripped out!

(igl) #93

but but! the pirates and all!1 :>
sooner or later there will be adblocker for games.

(SlippytheWeasel) #94

They did that for TiVo, now the media and advertising business is working on a system that circumvents TiVo’s ability to remove commercials.