Maybe theaters are different where you live, but here we get 10+ minutes of previews AND ads. Then you watch a movie full of product placements
Regarding sports, ticket sales are a huge (primary?) moneymaker. Yes they make money from ads, (I try to ignore those damned rotating banners behind the batter’s box), but sports would still exist and thrive on ticket sales alone.
AFAIK, corporate sponsorships FAR outweigh ticket sales in pretty much every major sporting event. Certainly most motorsports wouldn’t exist in anything like their current form. Note I said their current form in my previous post too. No doubt if all sponsorship went a away, people would still race at the local dirt track, and still play ball at the local park. Whether there would be F1 or world cup is a different question.
Many websites are merely advertisements themselves; they exist as another vehicle to show your widgets to potential customers. Those sites that actually have valuable content are either paid affairs, or are maintained out of love by individuals.
Like google, or any number of news or tech sites
I can think of quite a interesting/useful websites that support pay their bills on adverts. Ones that survive on donations alone are much rarer.
And, just as charitable donations outperform taxation as a way to help the needy, a PayPal button on a small independent website is usually better than lacing the site with popups and porn banners.
That’s an unproven assertion, not a fact. In reality, there is almost certainly more variation between individual cases on either side than there is between the two methods. Some tax based programs are very good, some charities are garbage… and vice-versa.