
(}_50Æ{_|ñeا) #1

You might remeber me as umgfear? The guy complaining about the explosions in ET:QW?

Anyhow, quick question. Wil the explosins really look like this in the full game

Im gonna buy QW just for the explosions!

Becasue that is probably one of the best explosions. It oculd do with a little shrapnel and smoke in it’s wake, but ti defenitely looks fantastic.

Though I missed the beta (didn’t know that free subscibers were eliagabble), I checked out some beta footage on GT and it looked amazing.

So, just one last thing… I’ve heard how the guns can be kidn of inaccurate? Is it as bad as in bf2 where you can’t hit peopel who are like 20 feet away? Becasue I had some horrible experiences in BF2… Like me using up all my magazines and not hitting anything at all. :shock:

Nice to be here. :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #2

Not to burst your bubble, but some say that the public beta’s current explosions look less good right now.
I guess they will look better in the demo/final game, but I would still advise to check the demo when it is released. If you really are going to buy it for the explosions, well…

The guns are inaccurate right now due to a “little” bug in the hit detection or the anti-lag code. However, the weapons are meant to be more accurate than they are now. If you know W:ET, it’s something about the lines of that.

(Gringo) #3

The things that gets me is why people focus on graphics so much! Tbh, when Im playing ET I dont really have time to marvel at such things. I can imagine this with be greatly magnified in QW’s with vehicles etc etc but thats not to say they aint nice! Maybe when the wars over and I have retired and can devote more time to looking at nice explosions :wink:

(iwound) #4

I hope thats right, as i cant even kill someone by shootin them in the back from 10 yds. And i’m usually a little better than that in ET.
I actually found some guy afk and it took me 5 grenade launchers to kill him. :oops:

(}_50Æ{_|ñeا) #5

Can you cactually see the mini gun spinning on the tank?

(phray) #6

yep. but by that time, you’re already dead

(amazinglarry) #7

I hope thats right, as i cant even kill someone by shootin them in the back from 10 yds. And i’m usually a little better than that in ET.
I actually found some guy afk and it took me 5 grenade launchers to kill him. :oops:[/quote]

Whew, I thought it was only me.

I’m not here to say I’m a god in ET but I can definitely hold my own as I usually have a 4:1 ratio in ET but in this game, I’ve snuck up on people and backstabbed them or shot them point blank and continued shooting for 3 seconds before they turned around, and shot and killed me. It’s extremely frustrating. Right now I feel the actual gunfighting/combat plays nothing like Wolf ET

(Joe999) #8

here’s for you. and no, that’s not the sun :smiley:

(Gringo) #9

I hope thats right, as i cant even kill someone by shootin them in the back from 10 yds. And i’m usually a little better than that in ET.
I actually found some guy afk and it took me 5 grenade launchers to kill him. :oops:[/quote]

Whew, I thought it was only me.

I’m not here to say I’m a god in ET but I can definitely hold my own as I usually have a 4:1 ratio in ET but in this game, I’ve snuck up on people and backstabbed them or shot them point blank and continued shooting for 3 seconds before they turned around, and shot and killed me. It’s extremely frustrating. Right now I feel the actual gunfighting/combat plays nothing like Wolf ET[/quote]

My question is this, if u cant kill em easy then how can they kill u easy? Im not having a go or anything it just seems weird. It has happened to me as well!

(murka) #10

well, because weapons have spread, is luck… sometimes i get headshots and yell WTF??? but when u get used to it, its fun.

(iwound) #11

I have noticed Gringo that if i reduce my settings to their lowest
then it does improve. The downside being that all of a sudden ET looks better.
Yes it is weird and others do seem to have advantage in some situations but there is no tellin what the reason is. More likely they are just better.

But i feel in game that its random if i actually hit out. But there is also the
the distances involved. I dont think i’ve played a game with these kind of distances so aiming seems so much harder to me.

I still love it when i spawn amongst 6 gdf at the computer and and just go mad spaying bullets everywhere causing panic and happy in the knowledge
that i actually took some out. Even though i have no idea how.

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #12

I too am feeling the lotto factor right now. Though it likely also has a lot to do with my graphics card being below min spec.

(amazinglarry) #13

Well maybe I’m guilty of only giving the frustrating impressions that I’ve had so far. I’ve had times where 3 Strogg for instance, snuck up on me and I’ve turned around and fired in a desparate attempt to either take one down, or at the very least go down fighting - and killed all 3. It had nothing to do with my ‘skill’ though, I felt… it seemed very lucky.

Granted, I’ve had more than my fair share of lucky moments in Wolf ET but this time it felt different, and I could imagine the swears streaming out of their mouths because I would be doing the same thing if I were them.

I don’t know if it’s because my 6800 GT OC is on its last legs or what, and its me having to put my graphic settings all the way down to play somewhat smoothly that’s giving me a disadvantage, but I feel at the moment that the combat isn’t where it should be yet for a Splash Damage game.