Every single video game, music, video store I went to in a chinese mall, all their merchandise is pirated. I mean my aunt buys these korean movies ripped in chinese, and you could tell they are fake. You could see that the discs don’t have pictures, and the box art is printed on a piece of paper shoved behind the plastic in the DVD case.
If you go to hong kong, all the small shops there have pirated software, only the major stores have the real deal.
My cousin is a heavy pirater (he pirates lots of games). In fact, all of his games are pirated, which is why he hated the gamecube because you can’t play pirated games. He refuses to pay for any games. He saw that his friends play counterstrike source, all of whom payed 20 bucks through steam. He can’t find a way to download it because if he does, then he does not have a CD key, and is unable to play online. His solution to this? Get ME to pay $20 for it. I’m like, NO go play ET. It’s free.
I too pirate games, only very old games unavailable in stores because I hate buying online at untrusted and non canadian sites, and also every game that doesn’t say id software on it, unless I happen to be at EB games and happen to see a cool non idsoftware game, I will buy that. The only games I ever bought recently were all from id software. Even my cousin who tells me to download the games I want, I refuse to pirate any id software game becuase I am a loyal fan. The non id software games I play, and pirated, I usually play for like a month or so and got tired of it. I only downloaded Medal of honor Pacific assault, and Call of duty 2. Both games didn’t even last a lifetime for me.
I’m chinese and it’s a fact. We are all pirates AAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!
You can’t evade the fakeness of all the games in the chinese malls.
Wait, is pirating hosting the game illegaly to download? Or is it the action of downloading a game illegally the act of being a pirate?
Out of most of the games I downloaded, they are mostly from EA.
Unfortunately, pirates are spreading. My other cousin usually buys games off the bargain bin. Now he downloads them. This is because he knows that you can download them and he’d rather use his cash on something else, and also realizes some games are way to expensive.
I have an assumption that if you accquired around 5-10 recent games in a month, chances are that some of them are downloaded.
The only way I think that can stop pirating is to put something on the executable, the one installed in the program files/(place game here) folder, so that you need the original to run the game. Any replacement will render the game useless. I know this because I have cracked and downloaded some games, and the process of getting that game to work is a cinch. I won’t go into details of how to do it. Something MUST be in the game executable so that it makes it a huge hassle for the crackers that no one wants to eat them.
Hey, maybe that thing to prevent ETQW from running before release can be installed so that it is encoded deep in the original exe, that if that piece of code is missing, or if the code in the exe is changed somehow, the exe would be useless and the game won’t work.