Happy 40th Birthday, Paul Wedgwood!

(mortis) #1

Yes sir,

The big man himself, the Lord and Master of Splashdamage is officially over the hill!

Today is Master Paul Wedgwood’s 40th Birthday!

Please, don’t send him any coffins or subscriptions to retirement magazines… :smiley:

So here’s to your happy birthday and to many more even happier in the future!

–Mortis and the BSD crew

(Ashog) #2

Gratz Locki! 40 but still sekseh! :smiley:

I wonder what the party at SD was like :wink:

BTW, does anyone still have that old animated gif of Locki running up the SD stairs (with tapir)? If you do, please post it here! :slight_smile:

(Nail) #3

40 ain’t over the hill, 60 is. Even the Whisky don’t help


(BioSnark) #4

(Donnovan) #5

Congratulation Paul Wedgwood!

(Loffy) #6

I join Mortis in the hearty congratulations. You can survive 40, I did. And remember that you do not stop gaming when you get old, rather you get old if you stop gaming. Congrats, Sir - and thank you for keeping things going over these years (a decade now, impressive) and for leading the work to develop brilliant multiplayer maps for RtCW (e.g. Marget Garden and Tram Siege) and DOOM3 as well as shooters (the epoch-making Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory in 2003 and the strogg-approved Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars in 2007) and for developing the upcoming shooter BRINK with its clearly unique style. Being the project leader for the evolution and production of a new intellectual property and securing a partnership with a major player on the field (Bethesda Softworks) is nothing less than impressive. Well done! If there was a Special Nobel Price in Percistency, you would get it.

(ED209) #7

Congrats on the Bday. Gaming is a mindset, not an age issue… although the ability to stay up 2 days is behind me now I still can get it on in QW

(Slade05) #8

Shorter of breath, one day closer to death, as Roger Waters puts it, but screw him. Gratz Loki.

(Shiv) #9

Congrats paul!

(light_sh4v0r) #10

Happy Birthday Paul :smiley:

(CrazyGuy) #11

Happy Birthday… old fella


(mortis) #12

+1.0 years now, happy 41st birthday to the Lord and Master of Splashdamage!

The Belgian beverages are on me!*

*You’ll have to come to Northern California to collect them, sadly…

(light_sh4v0r) #13

Happy birthday :slight_smile:

(Nail) #14

time for a new Lotus ?


(BioSnark) #15

enjoy a second run on 40.

(Locki) #16

Thanks everyone, but much more importantly, HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY SPLASH DAMAGE!!!

(DarkangelUK) #17

Happy Birthday \o/

(FireWorks) #18

Happy Birthday! :party:

(SockDog) #19

Happy Birthday Locki and SD.

I wish you both many more years of success and happiness!

(stealth6) #20

Happy birthday, may the next 10 years bring as much fun as the last 10.