Happy 10th Anniversary!!!

(Indloon) #1

Since I noticed pictures in Facebook side of SD.

Today is the day for everybody!!

The SplashDamage is 10 years old!!

Yarr,lots of golds stolen,lot of air spawning and lot sliding!!

I hope you guys keep this all up for many many years!!!

(p.s.t:you are awesome team)


(mortis) #2

They’ve come a long way, from bunnyhopping Nazis, to bunnyhopping aliens, to bunnyhopping post-apocalyptic freedom fighters…

I’m sensing a theme here… :wink:

(Dormamu) #3

If i remember correctly, The SD 10th Anniversary was on 20 May 2011.

Better late than never :smiley:

(.Chris.) #4

[QUOTE=mortis;379449]They’ve come a long way, from bunnyhopping Nazis, to bunnyhopping aliens, to bunnyhopping post-apocalyptic freedom fighters…

I’m sensing a theme here… ;)[/QUOTE]

You can’t bunnyhop in Brink though.

(INF3RN0) #5

Make a wish.

(light_sh4v0r) #6

Congrats SD, bring on the next 10 years.

(mortis) #7

Yes, but I was being facetious. Scrambling is a better descriptor for Brink movement…

(Stuart Pelton) #8

Congrats guys!