Half Price Bronze Blowout Sale

(RazielWarmonic) #1

This weekend, cash prices on all Bronze Loadout Cards are being slashed in half!

The Loadouts section of the Store lets you choose the exact combination of Merc, Weapon and Augments you’re after in a Bronze flavored Loadout Card. Grab the combos you’ve always wanted to try on the cheap while you still can!

Event Details:

  • All Bronze Loadout Cards can be purchased for $1.74 (or local equivalent)[/*]
  • Credit cost is unchanged[/*]

Event Duration

  • London (BST, UTC+1): 18:00 Friday, June 10 - 18:00 Monday, June 13[/*]
  • Los Angeles (PDT, UTC-7): 10:00 AM Friday, June 10 - 10:00 AM Monday, June 13[/*]
  • Sydney (AEST, UTC+10): 3:00 AM Saturday, June 11 - 3:00 AM Tuesday, June 14[/*]

(inscrutableShow) #2

You really had me going for a second.

(Chilled Sanity) #3

My profile picture is definetly the equivalent of my feelings.

(bontsa) #4

Not the mini-event we needed.

Neither what we wanted but meh, whatever.

(Mrarauzz) #5

Buying bronzes with cash…To anyone who is thinking about buying this, please dont.

(Kend0) #6


God i am funny. Not as funny as this though HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

(ev1ldarks) #7

Great joke <3

(frostyvampire) #8

It would be much better if you reduced the credit price too
When I first saw this, I was thinking about getting the Chopper + Quick Slash Redeye (1st edition) but after I saw credit cost is unaffected I thought: “RIP”.
I don’t think anyone actually buys loadout cards for cash

(blufflord) #9

wait? so just to clarify, it will still cost 17500?

(Tanker_Ray) #10

Never thought SD was THIS stupid.

I mean, I knew you guys would do this. Since you guys were always so damn stupid about the events like RNG vengeance obsidian.

Somebody has to bash your heads with real Pineapple. Seriously.

You guys were always the best Dirty Bomb meme makers.

(blufflord) #11

wait isnt this meant to go into the meme thread?
jk jk pls dont kill me

(bontsa) #12

[quote=“ThunderPro;187358”]Never thought SD was THIS stupid.

In the light of other titles around, like Combat Arms and Maplestory…



But hey, least useless mini-event is better than no minievent as we can decide not to use a buck on this foolery anyway, giving data to publisher/devs that this kind of bs is not very well welcomed nor proftable.

(KUST__LunarTM) #13

Wait, was this the update that got messed up? Maybe you could’ve done something like “All bronze rarity cards in store have been temporarily replaced with silver rarity cards of both variants.” and had them for like $2.

(Sinee) #14

(IcySkyz) #15

I think you made a typo. It should read “Credit cost is changed”

(bontsa) #16

@Mercy Hey don’t be dissin’ on 'em cados!

He’s…beautiful! New Assault merc confirmed!

(Drac0rion) #17

With the release of 2nd gen loadouts, the value of Expert/Elite cases has actually increased as you have a smaller chance of getting literally inferior cards now.
All of this is actually reducing the value of buying a specific card. It’s still a nice choice to have this opportunity, but sooner or later anyone would probably get the card they want or a great alternative for a smaller price.

Now lets go to our money, that we obviously won’t spend on this silly event and here’s why:

Expert cases are ~€2, you get AT LEAST a bronze rarity or higher card. Now without the event, a single specific bronze card has a value of ~€2.50. (The event price is ~€1.25 for me.)

Are those really the values that are acceptable? Paying with your own money and not credits, who would actually pay for that single specific bronze card? I mean if you manage to pull a higher rarity than bronze from a ~€2 Expert case, you’ve already gained a card that’s of value of ~€4(for silver, based on a Expert case price) or higher.

This event should be permanent to actually have any cash value on the specific bronze loadouts as I really doubt anyone who would take a moment to consider it’s value would buy them.

WITH the event, I guess there actually is some value to specific bronze cards at the moment for those who wish to buy them with money instead credits.

(Sinsanatis) #18

i was gona say nice troll, but i now stand corrected…and laughing

(Teflon Love) #19

Expert cases and specific bronze cards have different target audiences. While the first is for gamblers with a knack for vainity, the latter is for people that want the best gameplay for their playing style now now now. A cobalt 383 Sparks has no value to you when you just want to cause havoc with a MO93 Vassili.

Once we have trading, expert cases might become more interesting because an attractive unwanted card might be easy to trade for the specific one you’re looking for.

So maybe SD just attempts to cash in on specific bronze card while it’s still possible. Which is fine with me as nothing is forced on anyone.

(Jan S.) #20

No, that was fine tuning :wink: