Hey guys, I don’t want to add much to this now - but many of you may also have noticed that Guardian lacks in “Medic-Skills”, I for example had always thought Guardian would need something to heal her fellow players, because she really now has NO other real function than preventing a few airstrikes, grenades or bombs; ALTHOUGH even that’s quite idiotic, because the Sky Shield has so little time - as I first heard of Guardian I thought of her Sky Shield as a deployable with endless time until it gets destroyed, what would make at least a little more sene because it can be destroyed very easily anyway ; the latter is not a good argument, I know but most of the time it just gets destroyed by its limited time, so you always have to look out to get the Sky Shield planted again which first of all (due to its function, and that you have to look out it has some use and doesn’t get destroyed) really prevents you from playing properly (not the most ragic point; BUT)-> you just don’t even get much XP with it - and the fact that she has the same speed Phoenix but 10 more health and uses ARs doesn’t really make the possibilites of gameplay with here greater and/or better, but also really prevents your way of playing with her, because you can think you can rush with her a little more - BUT YOU REALLY CAN’T ;
I don’t know if such a discussion has yet been created, maybe even here in this forum - which I think it probably has, but I don’t think it ever had any positive result; perhaps in the form of SD thinking about (or maybe even a way of …) improving her -
SO MY point now to create this discussion is, if you want to additionally give Guardian a Bionic Pulse to give here a good attribute to use, so that she’s really considered a MEDIC- you should also give her something to heal (her) and of course other people! And not make her as half fire support and equip her with the ability of planting a low health low limited time sky shield for the more competetive part of the game with , well about the over lvl. 50 players in it - just because they thought a few airstrikes needed to be possible to be prevented by something like that; THEN YOU ADD HER AS A MERC FOR ONLY THAT FUNCTION AND MAKE HER HALF MEDIC AND HALF FIRE SUPPORT WITH THIS ADDITIONAL FUNCTION - so I beg to differ. BTW I know this is a litte ( BUT ONLY A LITTLE) late for Guardian Feedback and such uhhh “criticism”? on her… Please, do something about it - and I hope I can get the support of a few people here; and start a reasonable discussion! I think you who played themselves with Guardian know what I’m talking about
or even just experienced her being played by someone else