Vista = bloated pile of poo
Win 2K = O/S
you can’t wait for a vid card that requires an O/S that REQUIRES 1 gig of RAM to operate ?
I’ll stick with 2 dual cores and quad SLI like I posted above and still run Win 2000
Quad SLI is mostly gimmick. Even regular SLI isn’t a drastic improvement over one beasty card. One dual card is essentially an SLI setup, and should be PLENTY.
People tend to buy stuff just because it’s there. Do research, read benchmarks, etc. The performance increase of quad SLI isn’t worth the cost. Can’t hurt to be SLI ready of course. But I wouldn’t jump on that wagon just yet.
As for the E6600, it’s more overclockable than the lesser models as well as the additional cache. I’m not pleased about the price gouging either, but as you said, wait a while and it’ll probably fall a bit. It’s worth a few tens of dollars more for sure. This will also give time for more mobo options to appear.
I’m certainly in no rush to upgrade. My initial ET:QW experience will likely be an ugly one, but that’s par for the course in gaming.
/side rant: Isn’t that annoying? Why is it that new games always have to push the boundaries? They should be making Q3 level games NOW, now that the hardware can really crank out the performance from that tech level. But no, it’s always MORE polys, MORE shadows, MORE dynamic lights. None of which really means blinkity blink. All it does is make some people always feel left out, and give those willing/able to spend big bucks a real advantage over the “lowly” masses. I HATE it. Hate it, hate it, HATE IT! I call for a moratorium on game technology development! :moo:
some gaming companies work along side the video card makers to develop GPU’s that allow them to transfer the highest amount of eye candy they possibly can, unfortunately this is needed for single player games, the candy makes up for the lack of original AI that’s needed to compete with online 1 on 1 gaming, and when the capability to have that candy is shown to the makers of online games, they of course want to make use of it, it’s a conspiracy for sure, but nVidia needs the cash, or so I’m told :lol:
The new intel cpu’s are good, but the motherboards are very expensive, like twice or tripple the cost.
I my self prefer “cheap” motherboards that have gotten good reviews. So a 70 dollar motherboard is absolutely not any less good than a 285 dollar board, unless you are willing to pay about the 115 dollar extra that the 285 dollar board cost, for some extra overclocking features, or raid features.
Or as in this case with the new intel cpu’s, you will pay about 285 dollar just to get a standard board, that could have cost 70 dollars if it was on another plattform.
So I would suggest AMD with AM2 socket, and you will get most performace for your money.
It doesnt matter what manufacturer has the fastest CPU at the moment. Its the cost/performace ratio that matters, and also in this case, the total cost when choosing motherboard as well.
If ET:QW would have been released today, I would upgrade my AMD 3500+ S939, to a AMD X2 4600+ S939, which what I understand has a very nice performace/cost ratio.
I have 3 GB DDR RAM so I wish not to switch to AM2 yet, since it would require getting DDR2 RAM, and I will do just fine with 3GB DDR1 RAM + 4600+ X2 S939.
You crazy? GF 7900 GT would be the one, not GF 7800. Unless he’s got AGP, of course But I must agree with you about DX10.