GG Tournament 2013

(Khamul) #61

Btw if anyone is interested we are sitting on irc #biatch channel :slight_smile:

(aSHARK) #62

irc? Whats that?

(Nemesis1415) #63

All, if you are looking for a team and you haven’t found one yet, we would like to help you out. Please PM either myself or Wizard to let us know you’re looking for a team but haven’t found one yet and we’ll put your name on the front post. Teams looking for a final member can pick you up there and/or the randoms can form their own team! Please PM us so that we don’t miss a post about it. Thanks.

Consider it a quake wars courting service…

(Dthy) #64

Internet Relay Chat, here ya go

(Celtic-Warrior) #65

-]AGC[- is in! :stroggflag:

Where do we sign up?

(Breo) #66

I also did my best to make a sig :stroggtapir::smiley:

(I81B4U) #67

Hope there are just a few defilibrated people showin up.
going to build a team. thx for organizing.

(Dthy) #68

Made a basic sig pic. Feel free to use it.

(Rex) #69

You mean people who defibrinate. :smiley:

(Donnovan) #70

I liked the changes. Thinking in a sig…

(.N.E.R.D.) #71

Please People, let this game die in piece !!!

(Rex) #72

If you want to see it die, you should stop to check the forum every day. :smiley:

(onYn) #73

Its dead allready. We are just playing arround with the corpse :slight_smile:

(Nemesis1415) #74

Never!!! lalalalalalala can’t hear you!

(jopjop) #75

someone should make a topic how to fix pb with win8 :o
i had troubles i fix’d it im not very good with tutorials.
i used these:

(Donnovan) #76

Death, i changed you free signature a bit to fit screen.

Also, added a “+” after prize since no one have sure if it will get bigger.

(Rex) #77

Question to the hosters: What’s the advantage of winning the winner bracket?

(Donnovan) #78

Is you guys monitoring the event email?

I have sent a question 2 days ago.


(Nemesis1415) #79

So for a double elimination tournament you need to lose twice to be out of the tournament. The winner’s bracket essentially translates to having never having lost, the loser’s bracket translates to losing once, and not being in the tournament means you lost twice. So after there is only 1 team left in the winner’s bracket and 1 team left in the loser’s bracket, those two play each other. If the team from the loser’s bracket wins the FIRST best-out-of 3, both teams need to play another best out of 3. Whoever wins the following best-out-of 3 wins the tournament. Now. If the team from the winner’s bracket wins the FIRST best-out-of 3, they win the overall tournament. If the team from the winner’s bracket loses the first best-out-of 3, but wins the SECOND, they still win the overall tournament. Essentially, everybody has to lose twice during the tournament to be out. Does that answer your question?

(Nemesis1415) #80

[QUOTE=Donnovan;443385]Is you guys monitoring the event email?

I have sent a question 2 days ago.


Hey now, it says 23 hours ago! Not even a full day :wink:
I’ve responded so please take a look. Thanks!