GG Tournament 2013

(Nemesis1415) #621

There’s no better spot to be!

(rUBBEN) #622

I’ve seen more drama within 3 months playing competitive on CoD than on 3 years of ETQW :smiley:

(Rex) #623

sQwaL vs 40ShotsNoKill tomorrow (Friday) 18:00 Ger/Fr time

We appreciate any shoutcast support, although I know the time is not the best. But it was hard to find a date for this match.

(Graver) #624

[QUOTE=Rex;450706]sQwaL vs 40ShotsNoKill tomorrow (Friday) 18:00 Ger/Fr time

We appreciate any shoutcast support, although I know the time is not the best. But it was hard to find a date for this match.[/QUOTE]

Sorry guys, impossible :frowning:

(INF3RN0) #625

[QUOTE=Rex;450706]sQwaL vs 40ShotsNoKill tomorrow (Friday) 18:00 Ger/Fr time

We appreciate any shoutcast support, although I know the time is not the best. But it was hard to find a date for this match.[/QUOTE]

I can stream/cast this, and maybe Pliscin can cocast if he’s available.

(Tandem) #626

[QUOTE=Rex;450204]Btw Chump killed the whole team on Volcano as GDF and also Fencings triple nade on Salvage,
make sure these scenes get in the movie. :wink:[/QUOTE]

To whomever is making a movie:
If you can get Fiction’s demo, he killed the entire team on Canal, 2nd half.
vod 18:38

(Dope) #627

I can cast this match whatever im already drunk coz of bd:o

(Alsef) #628

Waiting in the promod, need ppl to fill it

(cloudhalo) #629

[QUOTE=Tandem;450753]To whomever is making a movie:
he killed the entire team on Canal, 2nd half.
vod 18:38[/QUOTE]
hey i killed the entire Taw crimson’s team on lolcano, it was back-raging of course, and a distraction by my other team members who were playing at the time. :slight_smile:

(Dthy) #630

[QUOTE=Tandem;450753]To whomever is making a movie:
If you can get Fiction’s demo, he killed the entire team on Canal, 2nd half.
vod 18:38[/QUOTE]

Get him to upload it somewhere (dropbox etc…) and PM us the link, I know rubben wants to make one and I may aswell.

(rUBBEN) #631

If you want to make it I let you the task, you are better at editing :slight_smile: But please not the death-metal-swaggy music

(Dthy) #632

Haha you can still make one! :slight_smile: I have an idea what to use anyway

(INF3RN0) #633

Replay of 40shots vs sQwal here:

40 wins 40-0

(.N.E.R.D.) #634

Who is shoutcasting ?

(Alsef) #635

why rex ban all 3lack on awesome server?, he is like a child lol

(Kl3ppy) #636

think inf3rno

(rUBBEN) #637

Big gg to 40Shots, well done :slight_smile:

(Kl3ppy) #638

gg to both teams, was nice to watch :slight_smile:
Also gg to inf3rno, nice commentary :slight_smile:

(Dthy) #639

GG sQwaL, was tough :slight_smile:

(Alsef) #640

The admin does not plan to do anything against rex at the treatment we are receiving because of him?
-awesome server is an official server should not have rights to ban us, but we are bans and you let it be admin of the competition
