I have a feeling that they are only using one skin on purpose. I’m quite sure that they will have a full retinue of racial choices available on release. I’ll bet you they are deliberately only using one skin for now, to keep some element of surprise or novelty for the game’s release. Plus, I’m sure they don’t want to stereotype the classes / regions / races. I think it would be cool if you could select your skin tone and voice pack, but I also understand how complicated it becomes to make 10 different skins with several skin tones for each model, and then make male and female voice packs. To reduce game bloat, I’d like to a see a limited variety of selectable skins. I’d like for the game to ship with the most common languages, say English, French, Spanish and German, but the voice/skin packs should be modular so that third parties can easily add new skins and localized voice packages. I always thought it was a bit weird in ET that all soliders, coverts, medics and engineers are white, but all field ops are black. I also think that they should have some female skins as well.
If someone uses their German voice pack, and I am using the English voice pack, then my client will use translated subtitles (aka universal translator). Coverts with a uni could perhaps listen in on enemy voice chats, again subtitled (communication systems have been hacked!).