Gathering ideas...

(SebaSOFT) #1

I appeal to the creative minds of the collective! Rise from your Techy basements and post here answering to my call! I summon you with my tribal dance. :stroggbanana:


Well, I saw little movement in this forum (not that I don’t know why) and I wanted to make a topic to see if I can trigger some creativity, I will flash a topic and put some ideas, you can follow me if you want.

Is about doing a map…

[li]Urban style. Really small.[/li][li]Brink in mind.[/li][li]Narrow streets and alleys.[/li][li]Set in a slum.[/li][li]India, Brazil, Argentina, Africa, 3rd world kind of[/li][li]No vehicles. Perhaps just a little path with mcp.[/li][li]No turrets. Perhaps one in a roof/container.[/li][li]Airstrikes? [/li][li]No arty (will make sure of it)[/li][/ul]

Go on!

(pazur) #2

I think that with less custom map players it makes sense to release small maps so a “Urban style. Really small.” makes sense IMHO.

(f34n0r) #3

Well, I hate to be a nay-sayer but it seems like the vast majority of custom maps are infantry only and small-battle oriented. It would be nice to have another “big” map with vehicles and diverse terrain and objectives, ie: Free Spirit City, Estate and Arctic Assault.

(Apples) #4

Me want this :

(f34n0r) #5

I recommend what is widely considered the greatest achievement in both architecture and art of all time: Angkor Wat, Cambodia

(kilL_888) #6

with brink in mind…

well, i had a pretty cool idea. dunno if i should post it. i think its a really cool idea :). nah. i just do.

you know. the ark is a floating city. it floats on, guess what, water. yea, but what do you want to do on water? a harbour with big cranes and cargo crates? we’ve seen that. large container ships. we’ve seen that.

i say get down a bit. get underwater (NOT bioshock like, more modern, techy like). i figured there must be some sort of energy source. think about huge generators. bottoms of large container ships floating at the top of the ocean, maybe a wreck underwater. underwater habitats. take a look at the movie sphere. get inspired.

something like that. i would have started myself already, but my editworld is buggy. dunno how to fix it, yet.

(Susefreak) #7

I’d love to see a map with the gritty outskirts urban feel to it, eg: Like east-berlin in the soviet-era. With a post-apocalyptic feel to it.
Like these early etqw outskirt shots:

(SebaSOFT) #8

Keep it comming, folks…

This is what the community likes.

I’m collecting ideas but not stealing them, you can open editWorld and start whenever you want.

(SphereCow) #9

[QUOTE=Apples;220014]Me want this :[/QUOTE]

Ever play Urt_sliema for Urban Terror? JUST like that, but with walljumping, ledge grabbing, sliding madness, not to mention the many indoor shortcuts and alternate routes.

Best map that ever happened to that mod.

(SebaSOFT) #10


Urban Terror has great small urban maps, and it’s free. Get a good run of the game to get some precious frag hours, as long as you don’t consider it REALISTIC.

(SphereCow) #11

Only thing that turns me off is all any of the character/item art.

Wish I had been as good as I am now, as I was back then, so I could have contributed. ; [

(pazur) #12

Silema in Urban Terror was (or still is as this game has many players since the IO version) a truly great map!

(SphereCow) #13

Yeah. I was a real HK 69/ Mp45 / DE / LASER jerk.

But I stopped playing after I got Wolf:ET, Noquarter. So much more like Action Quake 2.

Uh, all my concepts for maps involve moving vehicles, like Railgun or V2 rocket. Unfortunately, ETQW doesn’t seem to support that at all, which is the worst thing ever, in my opinion. It’s bizarre because games had moving platforms and vehicles as far back as Quake 2.

(AnthonyDa) #14

(pazur) #15

Yea, i read something about a script_mover equivalent in ETQW but apparently there had been some trouble with that.

(SebaSOFT) #16

Violator is the man for mover related topics…

Back to the topic…

How vertical would you do? In WolfET there was a couple or 3 levels of verticality, bank level, bidge level and more. How many vertical levels should a urban map have?

Also, is it good for ETQW to be Assessing creed level of roof climbing? Or stay away from roof-to-roof jumping for this game?

(Susefreak) #17

[QUOTE=SebaSOFT;220422]Violator is the man for mover related topics…

Back to the topic…

How vertical would you do? In WolfET there was a couple or 3 levels of verticality, bank level, bidge level and more. How many vertical levels should a urban map have?

Also, is it good for ETQW to be Assessing creed level of roof climbing? Or stay away from roof-to-roof jumping for this game?[/QUOTE]

Well take a look at first stages slipgate, you’ve got several levels where you can plan your routes. I myself find this very amusing, but that’s a personal preference. Most custom map players also enjoy trickjumps, so you can do the math yourself on that.

(SebaSOFT) #18

Good catch on the verticallity of the first stage in Slipgate…

(.Chris.) #19

Adding access to lots of roof tops means you need to map more roof tops and surrounds in greater detail than you normally would have to if just allowed for limited higher level access as they would be seen more and if not looking on par with rest of map will just look like an after thought.

(_Megabyte) #20

God save from urban style, it gives me shudders. Ancient things, like Anghor Wat (one of my favourite shrines) OK.
India, Brazil, Argentina, Africa, 3rd world kind of way to go.