G15 LCD support

(Xenu) #1

I’ve posted this on www.enemyterritory.com, but figured I should cross-post it here. I just got a G15 keyboard and want to develop an LCD applet for ET:QW support. Can the SD team provide any info on how to export stat values? Is this at all possible from the client-side?

My post on ET is here: http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14224


(Domipheus) #2

etqw already has g15 support built in.

(Nail) #3

ingame support is very limited, he wants to write his own app, I believe someone on the QW forums is doing something similar

(Xenu) #4

Nail’s got it. The devs did mention that the G15 interface would be exposed for mods. When I asked if there was a chance that it would be possible to access it independent of mods, I never got an answer.

Look here: http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14465

(Nail) #5

my take on the dev’s remark was it would be possible to get the data required to build your own app when SDK was released, I don’t think a mod will be required to access the data

(Jimbo99) #6

It should have already been in the game, for all platforms. They took nearly a year and a half and created a game one would not claim is top of the line. During that time they easily could have incorporated exactly what was necessary to do this. Instead they choose to put advertisements into the game. Talk about greed. The priority should have been the customer/gamer.

(Rudi) #7

Advertisements don’t affect us, and it is already there in the game… Try reading?

(Nail) #8

I would guess that the majority of players don’t use a G15, I don’t