Future Audio Updates: V-Bear

(YeOldeButtcheek) #41

Yay, the echoy sounds are back!

(darkCase) #42

yesssss !!! so excited for this , always wondered if i could make my game sound like this ,am happy i will be able to soon (well hopefully soon)

(blisteringOwlNest) #43

Never been an audio guy really, but damn it sounds good. Lot more noticeable with call outs then bullet sounds, but I’m sure it’ll sound better in the game than through a video, and that its in development.

(Merci1ess) #44

[quote=“Amerika;160740”][quote=“Merciless;160727”][quote=“derpypenguinz19;160619”][quote=“Merciless;160601”]So vehicle textures… cool new sounds… What else?

It’s weird cause Dirty Bomb is in beta but it looks like we’re in the polishing and finishing phase. Don’t get me wrong, things like this is interesting but… priorities, y’know?[/quote]


Yeah that’s great n all… But wouldn’t you wanna know about the things that are actually relevant instead of new sounds and textures? Such as what their plans are for the future… what their working on regarding bug fixes and balance changes, Phantom… the merc that was broken for more than 6 months or so… I know they talked about reworking Phantom which is great but ETAs are also great. Knowing what’s going on with the project. Interesting things. There’s just so much waiting one can do. My point is we’re in the dark with relevant things and we know everything about things that don’t really matter.

Like I said before at some point, hopefully they’re coming up with a big patch because if the patch is just as big as the normal patches we got every 2 weeks like before… Then someone be slacking hardcore yo.[/quote]

What exactly is relevant to you? Make a list of things. Many things have been spoken about and talked about for the future in the streams, forums and even Discord. You might have simply missed them. And if you’re expecting to become a fly on the wall at every design/decision meeting, well, get used to not being that. No company does that for rather obvious PR related issues. Some people would definitely understand that some feature that was being worked on got dropped due to [reasonshere] but quite a few others would RAGE because of the time loss, or how they would have made it better, or call the devs incompetent etc. etc. That’s why most companies don’t talk about exact details until what they want is close to completion.

Also, improving the sound is pretty important because it is a weak spot with the game. So I don’t see it as an irrelevant thing to be working on. Also, this type of information is a pretty nice olive branch leading towards more transparency.[/quote]

  1. Bugs in which they know about and are currently working on fixing so we can point out the bugs that are not on their list.

  2. Mercenaries they plan on making balancing changes on. No maybes or we’ll sees.

  3. Weapons they plan on making balancing changes on. Again, no maybes or we’ll sees.

  4. Taking away Splash Damages’ favorite word in “Soon” and tell us how it really is if we can expect something in the near future or months away from now.

  5. What the plans are for the future. Which direction are they going to take Dirty Bomb? At this very moment it feels like a mess.

  6. New mercenaries they plan on releasing next. What they might be called or look like instead of stretching as muuuuuuuuuucccchhhh as possible the release of already made up mercenaries.

  7. Plans on making/releasing new maps. Where are the current maps they’re working on? How far done are they?

  8. Any plans on new loadout cards with new skins. Are they working on that? When might we see that coming? Maybe working on that as we speak?

  9. Cosmetic items? Is this a possible thing in the future? Any plans on that? Is it being worked on currently?

  10. Any plans on adding more gamemodes? Where are we on that? Have they been working on that recently?

I mean there is alot of things that they can share with us instead of sounds and textures. Things that can make the game a little more enjoyable and different. I appreciate them sharing these things but I would like them to also share other stuff that are a little more relevant than just that.

(General_Zod) #45

This is just what the audio designers are currently working on. There’re lot’s of other things going on as well, of which we will be giving more info as time goes on.

These sound cool but positional audio would be good. Yes it’s positional now but there seems to be issues with height sounding like they are right beside you instead of above. Positional audio for vsays, even if it’s just need a medic, need ammo. Some vsays may be more appropriate for global.

(Mc1412013) #46

yeah either my suround is too far or i cant seem to notice positional differences between speakers. i tried in offline mode using dome. i threw frag granades turned around and couldnt tell the front from back as in less echo in front vs back ill have to try again tomorow when im home alone and no one is making any noise