For The Makron League ETQW 4v4 Season 2

(Snotling) #141

Don’t worry about the teams not playing onYn, the season will end at the settled date whatever happen. The admins will force the matches the two last weeks if some teams don’t want to schedule their matches on their own. And of course, season 3 matches will be scheduled like we did in s1.

(YumYum) #142

by life you mean replying to every thread on sd forums?

(.Chris.) #143


Everyone moaned at Biatch when we couldn’t play our matches and stuff but when it’s over way around they start crying?

(Apples) #144

Kleppy! We need another drama button there!

(onYn) #145

Im just wondering how it´s possible, that someone who agrees on the last point, has played plant of training matches, and has enough team mates most of the time to play matches, hasn´t played a single one within two weeks?


(lausl) #146

calm down onion…don’t hassel the hoff

(Kordin) #147

I am just wondering why someone who isnt an admin and not in the same division as we cares about the matches we play or dont play? Its not your job and also not your problem if and when we play them…

(Kl3ppy) #148

at ur service!

(Ashog) #149

I pressed twice!!

Anyways, I blame Chris for all.

(onYn) #150

@Kordin: As someone who participlates in this tournament, i am allowing myself to post my opinion about the general attitude of some teams and I don´t think that it is your job to tell me what I have to care about and what not :slight_smile:
THX snotling tho for makings things clear and I LOVE this drama button :smiley:

EDIT: I have no doubt that deadwhale will play their matches in the end, as all of your teammates are active. It´s more that other teams, who may be not that active, should start with their games othewise they may not finish and I of course want to watch as much pewpew as possible :cool:

(Kl3ppy) #151

[QUOTE=onYn;396173] I LOVE this drama button :smiley:

Ur welcome :smiley:

(Khamul) #152

Only i can use DRAMABUTTON!!!

(bart139) #153

Jem Paczki [JP] - FLY 20 CET Sunday

(Virus047) #154

Silent Breed vs UBC @ 10 PM EST Tonight I believe. :slight_smile:

(Virus047) #155

Silent Breed vs UBC 4-0! GG’s! Was a blast. :slight_smile: GL the rest of the season UBC!

(Crytiqal) #156

They should have this dramabutton played as soon as you press the ETQW section of this forum LOL

(Kl3ppy) #157

(TheG4mer) #158

(Snotling) #159

Please do not spam this thread with your drama buttons, I’d like to keep it easy to read when I’m adding results and dates. Thank you.

(Snotling) #160

NML vs LoOL sunday 25 @ 8:30 PM