
(pazur) #1

Somehow I can’t find anything about fog other than some simple references in

How is it done in ETQW? The same way like in ET on the Q3A engine? Via a shader (now material)?

I need something like a ground fog.

(hozz) #2

Not sure, here are my guesses:

  1. atmosphere settings? afaik, all the original maps’ fog stuff is defined by the atmosphere
  2. you use a waterfog brush to create underwater “blueness”… something similar to that?

Sorry, no better ideas:D

(.Chris.) #3

You need to be more specific about which kind of fog you are talking about.

There is atmosphere fog which is defined in the atmosphere files, see wiki.

There is also ‘light fog’ which is used with water and for fog in enclosed spaces like pits, just create a light and apply a fog texture in the light editor.

(pazur) #4

Probably it will be the light fog. I have this skyscraper map and wanted to fog the lower part.

Basically what we had in ET:

Is there something in the reference materials?

(.Chris.) #5

Use atmosphere fog and set the height so it only appears on the lower part of the map, you can preview the atmosphere changes in the camera view window when you have editatmos open.

(pazur) #6

Wow, cool. Didn’t know the atmosphere fog can have a height. Going to try that. I don’t need very dense fog. Let’s see how this is going to work.

(.Chris.) #7

Here is some advice I got from MoP about 2-3 years ago when I was looking into making a cloud layer for a map/project I never did:

[18:02] <MoP> i might try using 2 layers of polys - that is assuming it's something that will always be viewed from above, and not able to be reached directly [18:03] <MoP> yeah sounds cool - i’d probably have one layer of polys at the very bottom with a normal-mapped clouds texture on it, then a layer above that with a “blend” texture (no normalmap, just semitransparent floating clouds)
[18:04] <Chr1s> yeah i will give that ago when time arrives
[18:04] <MoP> and both of those layers of polys could have scroll stages in the material to make them move around - i guess you could combine it with a big fog light too, to add to the effect [18:05] <MoP> i reckon it’d probably work quite well with a combination of those things - another option would be to use a big atmospheric particle system maybe, but that’d probably be more difficult to set up

When searching for this I found like tonnes of concept stuff for that project :frowning:

(light_sh4v0r) #8

Get on it then!

(pazur) #9

Tried the height settings but they didn’t have any effect or not the effect I wanted: Not even sure what “Half Height” and “Height Offset” should do. I just didn’t see any change when moving the sliders.

Will play around with the layers and maybe I find an example of “fogLight”.

(.Chris.) #10

Make a light entity, goto light inspector and pick a fog texture and colour.

The fog stuff in atmosphere should work I can’t remember what values you need to use though for it to start having an affect.

(pazur) #11

Going to play around and post if I succeed :slight_smile:

(pazur) #12

Ok. That worked much better. Thanks for the hint Chris!

Now I would like to edit the fog texture and also define density. Where can I edit fogs/waterfog_thin for example? See:

(.Chris.) #13

Look in the materials.

(pazur) #14

On my old machine I had them unpacked so I could search via a text editor through them. I what pk4 are they or do I have to unpack them again? I remember it has been a script but I lost the link to the forum post. I think it has been in the old Activision forum too.

EDIT: I think I found the forum post.

(pazur) #15

Yay… found it:

material fogs/waterFog_thin
	fogLight refractable			// tell the engine it is fog and not a light
		fogMap		_fog
		fogEnterMap	_fogEnter
		red			parm0
		green		parm1
		blue		parm2
		alpha		5000
		specularPower	10