11 fucking queue pops and 16 mins to get a game which is poorly balanced.
Then once again a fucking Stockholm shit server, how about you fuck off with your London and Stockholm servers in ranked if hits don’t even register on those servers. What’s even the point in playing if I have 50% more hit sounds than actual hits and it feels like my sens doubles…
Stop calling something ranked if it’s garbage balance, garbage servers, retarded server choices (yea lets connect 10 people to a server even though only 1 of those people has a connection that shows he actually lives in that damn region), no ping/region restrictions, no merc limits and beyond poor weapons balancing.
Do you even play your own damn game or does Echo do that for you devs?
Stop connecting me to fucking servers that aren’t Amsterdam or Frankfurt and balance your damn game before making a ranked mode.
You can’t expect people to keep on playing a mode in this state. Everytime I play a ranked match I see less of a point to continue playing DB.