fireteam issues

(riddicki) #1

i can’t seem to see fireteam invites and when people say they send me one and press F1 i do and nothing happens what do i have wrong in my cfg?

(d3v1ous1) #2

If you have a clantag with < > in it, you won’t be able to recieve ft invites.

(Dthy) #3

You can receive invites, just they don’t appear on the scoreboards when you press TAB. (I use this all the time to stop random invites from people)

(d3v1ous1) #4

I meant in clan tag, not ft name. :wink:

(ASD) #5

hmm it looks like you are not alone with your problem … also not with your nick :slight_smile:

(Dthy) #6

Ahh, I should learn to read :wink: