Fireteam Creation Guide (Use Voice Chat!)



Created by MIND BULL3TS[/b]

- - - INTRODUCTION - - -

This guide is to help all understand how to set up FireTeams. FireTeams (from now on shortened to FT or FTs) are an important part of Brink’s Team-play, although you wouldn’t know it from any tutorial aspects in the game. They simply don’t mention anything on FTs. Even though the process is remarkably simple, because there is no mention of it at all to the player, the system can easily go unnoticed. The key advantage to being in a FT is HUGE!

You can now use in game voice to interact with your teammates! Novel idea huh?


“Public VOIP” (Voice chat with your entire team during a match and everyone pre/post match) is an option in the game, but it has to be manually activated by the server as the option is deactivated by default… The option that is left ON by default is “Fireteam VOIP”. So this is the more reliable way of having in-game voice chat…

Exhibit A

But MIND BULL3TS! I want to be able to voice chat with my entire team! Not just my “Fireteam!”… Whats a Fireteam anyway?

Well I have good news for you, person who randomly yelled at me when I was creating this thread… FTs seem to be uncapped as to how many players can be involved. I say this with a little ignorance as the largest FT I have is 5 but I wouldn’t imagine them limiting it to anything other than 4 if they were going to limit it at all, since the team max is 8…


First while in a match press ESC to bring up the in game Menu, from there click the Scoreboard Button.

Exhibit B

Once at the Scoreboard screen, highlight the player you want to start a FT With (See Exhibit B for a guide to choosing desirable FTeammates) left click to open that player’s menu.

Exhibit C

Once at the Player Menu click the second option entitled " Create fireteam with #Playername# "

Exhibit D

*note I used some image editing trickery to show the entire text of that option, it will scroll the entire length of the message in-game

This will send a Fireteam Invite to that player. Now using your “Fireteam VOIP” key you can voice chat with your FTeammates.

Exhibit E


I also know there is a way to request to join an existing FT. I know this not because I have done it myself, I literally have never seen a FT before I make one, but I have been “petitioned” to join by other players. It pops up as another message to press F1 and you “vote” to let them in. That being said I imagine the process is relatively similar to creating a FT, where the player clicks on a member of the existing FT and clicks something to the effect of “Ask to join Fireteam”…

Also, there was a setting overlooked by the devs for the Volume levels for VOIP in and out, the following commands will fix this issue:

s_volume_voipin_db 0
s_volume_voipout_db 0

These commands can be entered into the console directly during the game or placed before loading the game in your Autoexec.cfg file located here:

*Note If you don’t already have one, create a notepad file named Autoexec.cfg there, open with notepad and paste…

Well I think I covered everything. Hope this helps build the teamwork lvl in Public Servers.


im not sure why these images are showing up so big… Photobucket is showing them much smaller at 100 percent zoom… If I try to resize them any smaller they are impossible to read on Photobucket…


(crazyfoolish) #3

Good on you. Effort is appreciate.

(p93) #4

The only thing that sucks about fireteams is that on PC they only last as long as you playing on the same server does.

I wish they would carry over so we could search and find games together.

(dommafia) #5

Finally! Thanks for all that, 5 star’ed !

(BigBiker05) #6

The problem to VOIP is because if you look up the audio levels in the console they are set to -6 for input and output when they should be at 0. Change them to 0 and it is fixed!

(dazman76) #7

Oh nice, thanks for the info MIND :smiley:

[QUOTE=MIND BULL3TS;302801]im not sure why these images are showing up so big… Photobucket is showing them much smaller at 100 percent zoom… If I try to resize them any smaller they are impossible to read on Photobucket…


One option would be picking up the “IMG thumbnail” from photobucket, instead of the full-size IMG code. Then you’ll get much smaller clickable thumbnails that take the user to PB to view the images. Not perfect, but it does reduce the in-thread image sizes :slight_smile:

(madoule) #8

cheers, mate. haven’t looked into that until now, but will!

(Freakazoid) #9

Bravo! More posts like this need to be done.


Thanks for the post, I’ll post it over at our forums to spread the word :slight_smile:

(goes off singing bird is the word).

(goat72) #11

Thanks man, appreciate the effort.


(Protector) #12

Thank you very much, a much needed guide! Sticky this!

(Necro-) #13

great stuff!

(fprovost) #14

It took a tutorial to use voice chat xD

Thanks, me and my friends couldn’t figure it out.

(dazman76) #15

It’d be nice to get this stickified if possible, in whatever forum is most applicable. It’s a 5-star fo-sho.

(Decayed) #16

For global voip, only certain servers have this activated, which is why you won’t always see it working.
Most servers are set to standard which has global and team voip off and ft voip on.
advanced servers have all 3 on and so do competition servers.


[QUOTE=Decayed;303440]For global voip, only certain servers have this activated, which is why you won’t always see it working.
Most servers are set to standard which has global and team voip off and ft voip on.
advanced servers have all 3 on and so do competition servers.[/QUOTE]

Ahh… I did not know about this, good to know!

And thanks for all the posters who appreciate my work…

I just want to up the Ante as far as Teamwork goes…


Could you tell me exactly which codes I need to put into the Autoconfig.cft for this to work?

Perhaps I could append this to my Guide, for people to add to their Autoconfig so lvls are correct… (although I assume this will be corrected in a patch…)

(BigBiker05) #19

Ok, got it. (this was done on the PC version)
I ran into these while playing in the console the other day. As you can see s_volume_db, s_volumemusic_db (checked default after screenie was taken), s_volumespeech_db, and s_voumefx_db are all set to “0” by default. However, s_volume_voipin_db and s_volume_voipout_db say default is “-6”. I went ahead and changed both to “0” since everything else was set to “0” by default. I grabbed one of my friends and told him to come back into the game, he then said he could hear be as clear as teamspeak.


so the actual commands I would want to include in the Auto config would be

s_volume_voipin_db = 0
s_volume_voipout_db = 0

if this is correct I will go ahead and add it to the guide…