Fine Tuning Update v48857 - 19/08/2015

(Ceres) #81

[QUOTE=Ashog;537365]Don’t lmao me, I know the stuff. Lego textures are very helpful to spot and track targets fast, especially when only 1 shot matters. So no, denied.

His lego footage was from couple of months ago, and as a coincidence or not, haven’t ever seen him or anything from him since then. He is probably busy dealing with the new texture limits right now :)[/QUOTE]

I don’t want to get in the middle of your discussion but I hope you are kidding. For your own sake.

(DarkangelUK) #82

Aw man, making your target easier to see doesn’t make shooting them easier? Quick, someone tell the army to stop wasting money on camouflage!

(mti_) #83

You need to see someone to shoot them but just because you can see them doesnt mean they are already dead. Lets not fall into the trap of arguing categorically when we all know that both arguments have merrit.
I can see the people just fine without any “cheaty” config but I sure as hell cant compete with top level snipers. The people claiming that the only reason why they (the snipers) are doing so well because of config are just bitter.

(DarkangelUK) #84

[QUOTE=mti_;537370]You need to see someone to shoot them but just because you can see them doesnt mean they are already dead. Lets not fall into the trap of arguing categorically when we all know that both arguments have merrit.
I can see the people just fine without any “cheaty” config but I sure as hell cant compete with top level snipers. The people claiming that the only reason why they (the snipers) are doing so well because of config are just bitter.[/QUOTE]

Lets break down the punch shall we. Is it easier/quicker to locate then shoot at someone (disregard accuracy for the moment, its a basic question) when they stand out clearly from their surroundings?

(INF3RN0) #85

Ugh so much headache in one thread…

(DarkangelUK) #86

Nah you’re right, off-topic and overly argued point bails from thread

(mti_) #87

Let me quote my previous post, just for the record:

both arguments have merrit

Yes it helps to very easily ID targets and no, I could not compete with top level snipers even with a “cheaty” config.

(spookify) #88

Lets get back on track in the morning. :smiley:

The K-121 feels a lot better!!!

Getting hit by the SMG-9 feels like a jackhammer!

Nader is a tank and the nades are a spam side thought.

D-AR is both OP and Not OP at the same time.

I dont like aim punch haha!!!

The weekend is coming!!!
I havent seen a haxer in 5 days!!!

My time out server bug appears to be gone!!!

Blishlok had no balanced however i find the recoil to high becuase it needs to be a head hunting gun.

The primary melee back to normal fix is amazing!!

I havent tried shotguns… :frowning: yet…

Other peoples thoughts on this patch and un patched things? Hows the game feels with this patch? Forget the notes, what are you noticing? Are you seeing differnet merc useage? Differnet guns on mercs or different gun being used in general?

Hows performance? Can you notice the cpu tweak?

Hows server connection?

Hows Time to kill feel this patch? (TTK)


(Tanzverbot) #89

On my end, so far it all seems a bit smoother overall, but occasionally the game just seems to just completely stop for a short moment during a firefight. That’s something i didn’t have before the patch.

(chickenNwaffles) #90

Configs rarely have anything to do with player skill, they can slightly make target acquisition easier, but even that advantage is negligible.

I have had no problem sniping on lego textures, 32x64 textures, and now the default low textures. No config is going to make a player “better” and the lack of a config is not going to make a player magically “worse”.

Not sure where you get your info from m8. I’d love to play on high-textures too, but my cpu ain’t good enough.

(BioSnark) #91

Something’s a bit odd with the servers. Seems like there are some server lag spikes when people respawn that causes, is caused by, or otherwise coincides with the free flying. Me and some other guy had a couple seconds of flying around together as spooky ghosts on chapel. Hardly sure, though, as I haven’t seen enough instances to do anything other than wildly speculate.

I also see some people warping but I don’t know if there’s more than before or if I’m noticing it more now because other people said it was increased.

I’m rather concerned about the br-16 being a laser. TTK is really low when my aim is actually on point with headshots. Feels like I could macro it to be an automatic and it’d be the most accurate of the lot.

Shotguns can gth but I wouldn’t say they’re OP, or necessarily competitive with the alternatives. They’re just not fun to fight, and nor is anything else that 1hit kills.

I liked where aimpunch was, last version. I didn’t notice it, so perhaps it felt natural. Obviously, that’ll be subjective.

Kill confirmation audio is welcome because fights in this game feel much less consistent than in ETQW when I could judge to the shot and disengage when my opponent was dead, regardless of if there was lag and they dropped dead after a brief pause. Could be weapon RoF and hp variety combined with less experience. It bugs me a lot in firefights, however, and the new audio helps.

While fragger’s my most played, I haven’t tried the k121 yet because I don’t like dying to enemy fraggers. I’ll have to remedy that quite soon, although probably not in competitive.

Some people in my ts saw a hacker in competitive with a hack website for a name so obviously the anticheat isn’t a magic bullet, but that was expected.

To the general point about TTK, is it, perhaps, time to increase all character speed by ~5% with this added accuracy? :smiley: Maybe it’s time to remove jump spread bloom?! :3

(gangstarN) #92

The B I P sound after a kill is a bit ot of sync. The sound comes some ms to late.

(tangoliber) #93

The Stark feels fun again, in my opinion. I missed the weapon since it’s alpha state. :slight_smile:

(Kl3ppy) #94

Please change the healing station that no health is given when taking damage. Or reduce the health/second.

(Volcano) #95

might as well just slash if someone is on aura station when you use a smg, just cant beat it

(Szakalot) #96

station is fine; people just don’t destroy it. either flank aura with multiple HS or focus on teh station first.

(Volcano) #97

ill give you some time to think about this is a realistic situation rather than thinking what will happen

(Raviolay) #98

What happens when there are stations stacked in the same place?

(Kl3ppy) #99

You have to destroy 2 healing stations before actually engage in a fight. Otherwise it is useless because the healing makes it impossible for you to kill someone.

(Szakalot) #100

some mercs require counters: if enemies have skyhammers to spam ev you need more engineers. If enemies use auras, you need explosives.

Not every fight is fair. Hardly any fight is supposed to be. See Fragger vs Proxy, Redeye in Smoke, Sniper at a good position, two medics rolling over enemies, etc. etc.

Station is good cause it creates a bunker. You don’t attack a bunker head-on, unless you can blow it up ; )