Fine Tuning Update v48857 - 19/08/2015

(Kl3ppy) #101

Station is good cause it creates a bunker. You don’t attack a bunker head-on, unless you can blow it up ; )[/QUOTE]

Thats true, but due to the bad map design with easy control over choke points you can instant quit the game. London Bridge, first stage. Destroy the Generator and then the enemy has 2 way. Set one Aura on each way and gg. You can hide the HS behind a wall and no explosive will ever reach it.

(Szakalot) #102

you mean the two indoor areas on left & right?

most explosives will reach them: protip - bounce explosive of the doorless frame into the room. Nader in particular can destroy any station from safety.

Besides; generator itself can be blown from a distance, without ever having to bother with a plant.

Yes, Aura’s station is powerful, especially on noob servers where nobody destroys the station first (and you won’t manage alone, if you die and station is simply replaced). So are many other abilities/mercs.

(acQu) #103

Hmm, was it this update or another recent one. But i feel like a dog finishing players off the ground. It makes this clicking sound, which is given to dogs actually if they do something right. SD WTF :DD

On the other side i need to go off a bit. When will there be objectives with a real heart behind. Not just an objective-for-the-masses. If you really take a step back and imagine how the ****ing good DB could actually be with proper maps and objectives. And these would not be any radical changes, just some objectives which are out of sight. I kinda think of those PS2 days (and this should not devalue my opinion pls for mentioning PS2, cause i know it is an entire different genre), just walking around repairing turrets and stuff. Stuff like this is also possible in DB, but hell, noone is allowed. There needs to be something more for people of support type. I can frag, i can kill, but when i step back to support player, i kinda feel bored after a very short amount of time of throwing those med packs or ammo packs and reviving people, or repairing some obj. Something big is missing here. Anyway, off the off …

EDIT and on the off again, i know that this game was intended to be something about ‘just shoot people in da face’. I have seen the interview, and i know. But guess what: ET gave me those moments i am speaking about, and this is a real hard ‘kill everything’ game at its heart. But it does a real good job on supporting other play types as well. How is that …

(alphabeta) #104

Every weapon should not be the same in KPM. Each weapon should have advantages and disadvantages. This is the whole reason to have different weapons. The Hochfir has less damage per round but a higher rounds per minute. The Crotzni had higher damage per round but way less rounds per magazine. These weapons therefore rewarded different types of players. The Crotzni rewarded accuracy, This is why high level players use it.

Don’t nerf just to nerf.

(Raviolay) #105

Thing is the maps were designed with the intention of everyone having a grenade, if everyone did these issues would be mitigated.

(Szakalot) #106

your just pushing your ‘everyone should have a nade’ agenda : P

I really don’t see how everyone having nades would solve any of the most annoying map design issues. Sounds like some could be even worse.

(Kl3ppy) #107

I really don’t see how everyone having nades would solve any of the most annoying map design issues. Sounds like some could be even worse.[/QUOTE]

It would because then I would be able to destroy the HS and the campers. Currently it is frustrating because almost nobody destroys the HS with explosives (Fletcher, Nader, Fragger, Skyhammer). When I play with mates some MM, there it is no problem. But on pub it is.

(Szakalot) #108

healing station is NOT a map design issue.

(Kl3ppy) #109

No, the map design creates the issue with the HS :wink;

(Szakalot) #110

HS is such a small part of the game, and there are so many issues with map design that have nothing to do with it, seriously; you’re just diluting your arguments : )

a) people on pubs are still noobs, and will eventually learn how to counter station (also more players will have more explosive mercs at their diposal)
b) so many things are wrong with maps that have nothing to do with HS (lack of forward spawns, auto-shifting spawn waves, uninspired objectives, terribly clunky deliver obj, objectives in people’s spawns, lack of secondary objectives; list goes on)

(spookify) #111

As I play this patch more and more I am started to get used to everything.

Has anyone that plays Fragger noticed the Aim Punch is more on him then other mercs? The recent little patch seemed to help this but was looking to see if anyone else has noticed this on Fragger?

Example would be:
Fragger (K-121) vs Fragger (BR-16)
Fragger (Any) vs Sawbones (SMG-9) — As Fragger I was getting rocked here… Got seasick…

(BomBaKlaK) #112

So after few hours on this “fine tunning” update

  • More lags, mega lags, freze lags (when someone connect in most cases)
  • Warping of the dead (Teleportation ability ?)
  • Collision are weird (stuck on ammo box and more …)
  • anti-lag delay (you can feel it with 1hit weapons even with 20 ping)
  • lot of weapons still feel really inconsistent (smg9 / Blishock (a bit better but still not fine) / crotzni still more efficient than others smg except kek 10)
  • Maps are still horrible when you play more than 12 players on a server (super mess !)

Still wating some real content update not only 1 mercs.

[/community maps dream ON]
KF2 didn’t release a lot of content in early access, but the player base already did a lot of work !
[/community maps dream OFF]

(Volcano) #113


just mute the video, there is a map coming bomba i think its the battersea remake. i would love to transfer supplydepot over to DB already then i can start working on the other maps

(BomBaKlaK) #114

Where did you find this ? can we test it with local server ?

And yeah community maps are more than needed !

(Volcano) #115

where did i find it, its my video but someone on the nexon forum mentioned it so i had a look it

switchlevel OBJ_Dockyard

(BomBaKlaK) #116

[QUOTE=Volcano;537565]where did i find it, its my video but someone on the nexon forum mentioned it so i had a look it

switchlevel OBJ_Dockyard[/QUOTE]

Yeah thx I just run around this map and there is some goor things, more space, more routes, etc …



just mute the video, there is a map coming bomba i think its the battersea remake. i would love to transfer supplydepot over to DB already then i can start working on the other maps[/QUOTE]

Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: DB feels a bit alive again watching this. Played same 5-6 maps for almost 2 years now :confused:

Love the eerie music

(Volcano) #118

[QUOTE=JBRAA;537576]Thank you for sharing :slight_smile: DB feels a bit alive again watching this. Played same 5-6 maps for almost 2 years now :confused:

Love the eerie music[/QUOTE]

that was me listening to the fallout 1 soundtrack not the ingame music


Ty 4 info, now Im gonna listen to that :slight_smile:

(Volcano) #120

pick up fallout 2 soundtrack as well, i could recommend many other game soundtracks but they dont fit the same theme