[QUOTE=chickenNwaffles;537285]The real problem with weapon balance, is that this game has no choices when it comes to weapons to pick per merc.
Not once does a someone have to “choose” between two guns; they just go with the better one.
The real goal of weapon balance, is to make a set of several unique weapons that cater to different play styles and preferences; no two gun should be the same.
Take for example the m4 and the timik: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yYDiX77THpjA-hImu2eRLio-ayOvGnDEeorZgHAieVQ/edit#gid=490808091
The only advantage the timik has is ROF (by 14.6), reload time (by 0.10), and max range (by 300).
That’s it!
Of course the spread and recoil have changed slightly since this patch, but that still doesn’t make up for the m4 being an all around better gun.
The timik should shoot slow, accurate (for the first burst of bullets), and hard (it should do much more damage than the m4).
Because the timik and the m4 have the same damage and the m4 shoots like a laser beam, everybody uses the m4; it’s no contest really, and no amount of recoil & spread reduction would change this.
They are essentially, the same gun, but just slightly different stats.
Now, let’s take a look at the BR-16 and the Stark-AR:
These guns are literally copy and paste, except for a few minor stats that ultimately make the BR-16 slightly better and more preferred - these stats are the clip size and recoil.
How would one go about fixing this? By making the guns more unique, of course!
One of the burst guns should be a more spammable faster firing gun, while the other should be a slower firing 2 burst gun that hits much harder.
Now on to the crotzni and smg9:
Another two guns that feel almost the same, the smg9 and crotzni are the most underused and used guns in the game.
These two guns should be mini versions of the m4 and timik, meaning that the crotzni should shoot much slower, and be accurate for a limited amount of shots, and do much more damage and the smg9 should shoot faster and have more consistent accuracy.
The fel-ix and moa are a tricky pair to balance.
Inferno and I have agreed, more or less, that the moa should feel more like a scout - more mobile, less damage, but still potent in skillful hands - and that the fel-ix should be more like the awp - may take less skill to use, but is a lot less mobile and sluggish to use.
Maybe making it so that the fel-ix has only one bullet in the chamber at at time, but one shot body shots most mercs would be interesting and fun to see! - you would have to reduce reload time, of course.
I can think of a dozen ways to balance the guns in this game, but apparently I’m not the “pro” sniper that SD wants to talk to - I swear, I’m not as rude as I type on the forums (I’m just frustrated). If you aren’t talking to linkz, me, surefour, taimou, or guilte about sniping, they you are definitely not talking to the right people, at all.
I love the fact that there is the potential to have a set of guns for many mercs that can contradict eachother!
It can add more depth and choice to the stale and stagnant gunplay that we have.
Buffs/nerfs to recoil and spread are possibly the worst way to go about changing the weapons; that’s something that nobody can argue against, if they want the guns in this game to feel more unique.
Maybe this will be the third thread I close today? :D[/QUOTE]
It’s maybe more of a result of the way we have distributed some weapons on Loadout cards rather than the differences themselves. Certainly some guns initial direction was set before the cards, might be worth us looking at it from that point of view (where certain Mercs maybe lack variety more than others).
I would say some of your stats look wrong there, but not miles off. You are missing all spread/recoil/recovery/stance/fall-off and IS attributes as well though and they do have quite an impact on some of the combos you mentioned.
On publics the weapon usage isn’t quite as polar as you suggest, people tend to go with what they like not the absolute optimal. I imagine that’s different for players like yourself and in comp but that is one thing I believe we’ve not checked in a while, worth doing again.