Find my CD key?

(tgenza) #1

Can I find my cd key while I’m online? I recently reinstalled Quake wars and can loginto the online games with my used name and password but totally forgt my key. Is there a way to get it online? Also what am I looking for on my packaging for the key? There are so many numbers …

(brbrbr) #2

you can’t recover “you” S/N from “you” ln/pwd combo.
at least for now.
use printed one, in game manual back cover or DVD-BOX sticker[rear/inside].

for same reasons there is no way to recover or use banknotes S/N.

(light_sh4v0r) #3

You only need a key to create your account. If you have an online account already you will no longer need your cd-key, not even when reinstalling.

edit: my key is on the back of the booklet, where it says DONT LOSE THIS NUMBER.

(geppy) #4

No. You don’t even need it to play, as you’ve noted. The only reason for it would be if you wanted to make an additional username.

It’s on the back of the manual that has the same front art as the box art.

This won’t help you in this case, but it might well help everyone who reads the thread: my trick for keeping CD keys accessible is to GMail them to myself with the name of the game and the phrase “CDKEY” in the subject (so the subject for this email would be “Enemy Territory: Quake Wars CDKEY”). Then in the body of the email, I put the key as well as variations on the name that I’m likely to use (so the body would have the key on one line and then “ETQW QW” on the next line). Then I can just use GMail’s search to find it if I ever need it.

Though, fortunately, keys are becoming a one-time-use kind of thing these days (like how with Quake Wars I’ve never again needed my key since I first made my account).

(Crytiqal) #5

I hope this was a joke :rolleyes:

(Donnovan) #6

You hope like somalian childrens hope to have some food to eat on the week?

(Crytiqal) #7

eat food on the week what? :confused: